[AISWorld] Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Newsletter-September 2013 Faculty Edition

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance dynaa at microsoft.com
Wed Sep 11 16:55:26 EDT 2013

September 2013

In This Issue

2013 European Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Conference

EMEA Convergence

Call for Papers, Curriculum, and Participation

Recruiting Event in the United Kingdom

Microsoft Dynamics Student Certificate Program

Hosted Version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - Pilot

New Certification-Based Curriculum Offering & Training

Using Microsoft Dynamics AX for Common Business Practices

Inspire Your Students

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Yammer Group

Website Under Construction

Tips and Tricks: Retrieving Data Sets when Downloading New Microsoft Dynamics Licenses

Making Connections


Faculty Connection<http://www.microsoft.com/education/facultyconnection/Microsoft_Dynamics.aspx?c1=en-us&c2=0>


Success Stories<http://www.microsoft.com/casestudies/Case_Study_Search_Results.aspx>

Microsoft Dynamics<http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/default.aspx?WT.srch=1&WT.mc_ID=SEARCH_CRM>



<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com>


Greetings from Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance!

We hope this newsletter finds you all doing well as you get start the 2013-2014 academic year. We have a new template for our newsletter this year and hope you will find it useful and very informative!

Here you will find the latest news regarding Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance (DynAA) and information on how to get the maximum benefit from your relationship with DynAA.

Please feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues.

2013 European Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Conference

The 2013 European Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Conference will take place at the Microsoft Development Center Copenhagen (MDCC<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001aqY_hMuM88aqQaEP-UuIUWs2xZ9O1ZTwDba1oSit7h19r8BS2_WUftpowzy3KDvJfhQVhuF0cFSLunzQBoafxLStmPUAtHqiIhqn1bcjGGbb8GNY_0mr4IPK1J3XqajXKRi2voFp5h1mJeawZw3xIU80qwVJQCFqj6PLsixA95kEuAP27vKIIA==>) in Denmark October 28-29, 2013. This event is a conference where you, as educators, come together to enhance your knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics and the use of technology in the classroom. This event also offers the opportunity to meet with Microsoft Dynamics experts and experience the MDCC, as well as chances to collaborate, network and exchange ideas and information between current and prospective DynAA members. All DynAA members are welcome and encouraged to attend this two day event. Watch for more information, including the agenda and registration information, via email and also updated here<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001aqY_hMuM88ZGEImO2mj6SEm2QCmwx2PYXrAfvnYK6isN4F4PzNCChhRVWRRq3O47kj58DyPLfnOryobMqYDAgy-R2vnLeSlQpc-ZjFzPeu406-XkYXlGq5iJgvSGcycIREipxtf_cYAZXzb5d-XUOwgvFE2YKmO58lvmeMHJWRIYFcGDDylBS6QOzRdqczS8e_5SA2j4DkdK-gKyiBp3pzyEw8OuMu4A1HLclhxagA8oWKjRN6qOlaGJjWk-F2U6> on Faculty Connection.

Register here<http://dynaa2013euroconf.eventbrite.com/>.


The Wait is Over: EMEA Convergence is Back!

We’re delighted to announce the premier event for the Microsoft Dynamics communities in Europe, Middle East and Africa. Join us at Convergence 2013 EMEA<http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/convergence/emea13/Default.aspx?p=topnav>, where opportunity and innovation meet to deliver real business value. This event provides a chance to make key connections with Microsoft Dynamics customers and partners, who may be future employers for your students, and to discover the full potential of the Microsoft Dynamics solutions.

Convergence 2013 EMEA

4–6 November 2013
Barcelona, Spain

Fira Barcelona Gran Via Conference Centre<http://www.firabarcelona.com/en/gran-via>

Registration and event information is available here<http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/convergence/emea13/Registration.aspx?p=topnav>. Register before October 2nd to save €300. If you have questions, please contact the Conference 2013 EMEA Registration Office:

Worldwide Telephone: +44 (0) 1252 776 333

Worldwide Fax: +44 (0) 1252776 303

Event Registration Email: ConvergenceEMEA at delegate.com<mailto:ConvergenceEMEA at delegate.com>

Event Registration Website: https://microsoft.eventcore.com/Convergence2013EMEA


2014 Worldwide Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Preconference-
Call for Papers, Curriculum, and Participation

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance will host the 2014 Worldwide Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Preconference in Atlanta, GA, USA March 2-3, 2014. This event will take place immediately prior to Microsoft Convergence<http://www.microsoft.com/dynamics/convergence/atlanta14/>, held March 4-7, 2014, also in Atlanta, GA, USA.

The Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Worldwide Preconference is the definitive forum for exchange of curriculum and research among current and prospective DynAA members. For the 2014 Preconference, DynAA invites curriculum packages and research papers which incorporate Microsoft Dynamics into business, information systems/computer science/technology, and related topics. Refereed submissions will undergo a double-blind review. Accepted curriculum packages and papers will be invited for presentation at the Preconference and will be included in the proceedings.

Deadline for Refereed Instructional and Research Papers: January 10, 2014

Deadline for Curriculum Packages to be considered for the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Instructional Award: January 10, 2014

Deadline for Presentation and Panel Discussion Proposals: February 1, 2013

Click here<http://www.microsoft.com/education/facultyconnection/articles/articledetails.aspx?cid=2498&c1=en-us&c2=0> for more information on the Call for Papers and Curriculum.

Registration for the 2014 Worldwide Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Preconference is free and can be found here<http://www.eventbrite.com/event/6036257609>.

Click here<https://www.facultyresourcecenter.com/curriculum/9097-AGENDA-2013-Worldwide-Microsoft-Dynamics-Academic-Alliance.aspx?c1=en-us&c2=0> to view last year’s agenda.

We hope to see you in Atlanta!


Postponed: Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Recruiting Event in the United Kingdom

We are postponing the recruiting event, Microsoft Dynamics Business Solutions in Academia, that was to be held September 11, 2013 at Birmingham City University<http://www.bcu.ac.uk/> in the United Kingdom. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Please watch for an email announcement regarding an alternate date. We will also make updates as they are available here<http://www.microsoft.com/education/facultyconnection/articles/articledetails.aspx?cid=2497&c1=en-us&c2=0>.


7 Educational Institutions Qualify for the Microsoft Dynamics Student Certificate Program (MDSCP) – Pilot

The ability to offer Microsoft Dynamics Student Certificates (MDSC) is reserved exclusively for members of Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance who meet the program requirements.

The goal of the Microsoft Dynamics Student Certificate Program (MDSCP) is to increase the use of Microsoft Dynamics products in educational institution curricula, providing students with additional opportunities to use real-world solutions across multiple courses.

These educational institutions have met the requirements for the MDSCP and have 2-3 courses that qualify their student to earn a MDSC:

••••••••• Eastern Michigan University (United States)

••••••••• Fachhoschule Dortmund (Germany)

••••••••• The Russian Presidential Academy (Russia)

••••••••• University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (Austria)

••••••••• University of Wisconsin Stout (United States)

••••••••• BV Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering Technology (India)

••••••••• Shih-Hsin University (Taiwan)

These educational institutions have one course accepted into the MDSCP and are currently developing additional courses to qualify their students to earn a MDSC:

••••••••• Canadian College of Business (Canada)

••••••••• NTNU (Norway)

If you are an educational institution looking for full details on how to apply to the MDSCP or you are a Microsoft Dynamics partner or customer looking to find out which educational institutions have been accepted, please contact dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com>.


Hosted Version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Pilot Program

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance is starting a pilot program for educational institutions interested in using a hosted version of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This would allow you to run the software for educational or research purposes without the requirement for physical servers on your campus. We have consulted with a few key partners who have put together an affordable model. We are looking for schools who would like to participate in this pilot.

Please contact dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com> for more information!


New Certification-Based Curriculum Offering & Training

Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance hosted faculty trainings based on Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in the summer of 2013.  July 22-24, 2013 we held the training course in Minneapolis, MN, USA and August 19-21, 2013 we held the course in Munich, Germany. A total of 45 faculty members attended. We will be making modifications to the curriculum based on attendee attendees. In total this curriculum contains 26 case studies based on Master Planning, Financials, Supply Chain, Intercompany, and Warehouse Management. Introductory Chapters and Instructor Manuals are provided. When taught in its entirety, curriculum begins to prepare students to take the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Financials and the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Trade and Logistics certification exams. This curriculum will be made available to all DynAA members once the modifications have been made. We will make an announcement when the curriculum is available.

We are also in the process of developing curriculum and training for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, which will be released before the 2014 Worldwide Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Preconference.


Using Microsoft Dynamics AX for Common Business Practices

Are you currently using Microsoft Dynamics GP in your classroom and are curious how it compares to Microsoft Dynamics AX?   North American DynAA Advisory Council member and Microsoft Certified Trainer for AX and GP, David Thomas, has put together a great, informational tutorial to help you compare the solutions. With 23 years of experience in ERP,  David conducts formal training on Dynamics AX and GP, customizes and configures ERP systems and also provides implementation, training and support services. Additionally he brings this knowledge into the classroom while teaching ERP and accounting courses to undergraduate students. This<https://www.facultyresourcecenter.com/curriculum/pfv.aspx?Id=9142&c1=en-us&c2=0> video is intended for those currently using Microsoft Dynamics GP for educational purposes who are considering using Microsoft Dynamics AX in the future. This video shows how familiar tasks in Microsoft Dynamics GP could be performed in Microsoft Dynamics AX.

If you have content that you would like to share to help Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance add to this helpful library of "How to" videos, please contact DynAA at microsoft.com<mailto:DynAA at microsoft.com> for more details.


Inspire Your Students with Microsoft Dynamics Customer Video Clips

Give your students a first-hand look at how Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM software is being used in the real-world in businesses they know.

••••••••• Revlon is unlocking its potential with Microsoft Dynamics. Find out how<http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/Revlon.aspx>.

••••••••• Lotus F1 Racing Team Plans Process Transformation with Integrated ERP System. Click here<http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/customer-success-stories-detail.aspx?casestudyid=710000001255>.

••••••••• Find out how<http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/city-of-london.aspx> the City of London improves customer satisfaction with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Find more customer success stories here<http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/customer-success-stories.aspx>.


Start Networking: Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance Yammer Group!

Yammer is an Enterprise Social Network that brings together people, conversations, content, and business data in a single location. With Yammer, you can easily share information and stay connected to other DynAA members, as well as Microsoft Dynamics partners and customers. Because Yammer can be easily accessed through a web browser or mobile device, you can connect and collaborate anytime, anywhere.

You will find the layout very similar to many of the social networking tools you use today.

We will still continue to communicate via email, our website, LinkedIn, and also Facebook, but this gives greater flexibility for members, partners, and customers to share notes, comments, and documents.

Here is a great handout that explains more about Yammer and how to get set-up:


Once you have joined Yammer, make sure you join the Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance group within the Microsoft Education network located here<https://www.yammer.com/microsofteducation/#/threads/inGroup?type=in_group&feedId=2598772>.


DynAA Website Under Construction

In order to give our prospective members, current members, interested students, Microsoft Dynamics partners, and customers a one-stop location for DynAA-related information the DynAA website is under renovation. Throughout the construction period, we will not be updating the current membership lists or any of the content on our current website. Our plan is to have a new website unveiled by the end of October. Our website address will not change and can be accessed  at www.microsoft.com/dynamicsaa.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding DynAA during this time, please reach out to us at dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com>.

We apologize for any inconvenience you may experience during this time.


Tips and Tricks: Retrieving Data Sets when Downloading New Microsoft Dynamics Licenses

Sample datasets are available for AX 2012, GP 2013, and NAV 2013.  To utilize these, please choose the option to set up a “sample company” when installing the software as a new setup.  Please email dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com> if questions arise.


Making Connections

DynAA Education Members; Have your students been hired by or been offered internships from a Microsoft partner or customer?

We would love to hear your stories!

Please email us at dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com> with the details.


Contact dynaa at microsoft.com<mailto:dynaa at microsoft.com>

© 2013 This document is Microsoft confidential and includes privileged information on revenue results and other information not available to the public.
Recipients should be aware of the Microsoft General Insider Trading Policy<http://mspolicy/default.aspx?page=policy&category=INSIDETRADE&policyNum=1.2>.

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