[AISWorld] Fwd: Legal and Governance Challenges - New Issue from JVWR

Yesha Sivan yesha.sivan at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 13:54:58 EDT 2013

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Dear AIS friend,

We are happy to announce the *NEW ISSUE* of the Journal of Virtual Worlds
Research (JVWR):

*Volume 6, Number 3: *
 *Legal and Governance Challenges*

The editorial team:

   - *Melissa de Zwart,** *University of Adelaide, Australia
   - *Dan Hunter,* QUT Law School, Australia
   - *Greg Lastowka,* Rutgers University, USA

The six articles in this issue "Legal and Governance Challenges" reflect a
range of voices in virtual world scholarship and we hope that they inspire,
provoke and facilitate a range of responses. As you examine the issue, you
can get a good sense of a field that uses past discussion to advance new

Managing Editor Corner

   - What Should Atomic and BITonic Learn from Each
   Yesha Sivan

Issue Editors' Corner

   - Editorial<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=50c6c0e8ba&e=1410976b30>
   Melissa de Zwart, Dan Hunter, Greg Lastowka

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

   - Authorship in Virtual Worlds: Author's Death to Rights
   Sergio Roncallo-Dow, Enrique Uribe-Jongbloed, Kim Barker, Tobias M Scholz

   - Evaluating Consent and Legitimacy Amongst Shifting Community Norms: an
   EVE Online Case
   Nicolas Suzor, Darryl Woodford

   - The Iron Law<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=cb3aff7f01&e=1410976b30>
   William Sims Bainbridge

   - Blazing Trails: A New Way Forward for Virtual Currencies and Money
   Michael P. Bombace

   - Dutch Supreme Court 2012: Virtual Theft Ruling a One-off or first in a
   Arno R. Lodder

   - Magic Modders: Alter Art, Ambiguity, and the Ethics of
   Aaron Trammell

Enjoy your read!


More from the JVWR

   - Check the *updated
   * of JVWR Workshop "*Via the Lookiing Glass*" in Milan, Italy. We'd love
   to see you there on *December 15, 2013 (1pm - 6pm)*. See
ad<#1412f549d139a59d_workshop>at the bottom.
   - *A call for
   we welcome competent academicians & researchers to join us as members of
   the JVWR review team. Being a reviewer is a matter of prestige and
   achievement. The JVWR believes in the value and importance of the reviewers
   throughout the publication process. It is not only about bringing the
   individual paper to its best, but also about shaping the credibility and
   reputation of the journal as a leader in the evolving field of Virtual
   If you are interested in becoming a *peer-reviewer* for the JVWR please
   contact us at
info at jvwresearch.org<info at jvwresearch.org?subject=RE%3A%20Call%20for%20reviewers>.
   Send your CV or a short resume and let us know what *areas of
interest*you would be able to review.
   We are looking forward to hearing from you!
   - You are invited to browse *previous issues* on our web site. We have a
   special page that includes a cover
all our past issues.
   - *Subscribe*<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=c8eba541e4&e=1410976b30>to
our mailing list (on the top left of
   http://www.jvwresearch.org) to receive JVWR news and updates (no spam
   - You are welcome to:
   Join our Facebook<http://jvwresearch.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=de4fa2a435382cb1fa67cb708&id=eaba0b5022&e=1410976b30>page
   And follow us on *twitter

You are all invited to join our *workshop* at *ICIS 2013 in Milan
*with*live demos
* of both *Google Glass* and *Oculus Rift*. See all the details

 We look forward to seeing you in Milan,


 *Prof. Yesha Y. Sivan*
 Managing Editor

TheJVWR - The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

[image: Legal and Governance Challenges

© 2013 Journal of Virtual Worlds Research All rights reserved.
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