[AISWorld] 22nd European Conference on Information Systems – CFP

C.Avgerou at lse.ac.uk C.Avgerou at lse.ac.uk
Thu Sep 19 05:20:40 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,

ECIS 2014: Digital Work, Digital Life will take place from 9 till 11 June in Tel-Aviv, Israel.
This year we invite the following types of submissions:

  *   Complete research papers
  *   Research-in-Progress papers
  *   Panels
  *   Teaching cases
  *   Prototypes that will be demonstrated at the conference

We also plan an industry stream, with presentations from IT executives and professionals and visits to innovative Israeli digital firms.
The ECIS 2014 Doctoral Consortium will be held from 6 till 8 June. We encourage institutions from Europe, Middle East and Africa to nominate doctoral candidates who would benefit from participating in a vibrant international academic research development event.
And there is still an opportunity to propose pre-conference workshops and tutorials.
Pre-conference events proposals: 1 November, 2013
Complete papers, Research-in-Progress, Teaching cases and Prototypes: submission begins on 1 November, 2013; Deadline Date: 8 December, 2013
Panel submission deadline: 5 March, 2014

The attached file contains detailed guidelines for the various types of submissions. For more information, please visit the ECIS 2014 website at http://ecis2014.eu/

Best regards

Chrisanthi Avgerou and Dov Te’eni

Conference co-chairs

Please access the attached hyperlink for an important electronic communications disclaimer: http://lse.ac.uk/emailDisclaimer
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