[AISWorld] First Reminder CFP Culture & IS ETHICS, UNIVERSITY PARIS DESCARTES, 6th June 2014

Hajer Kefi hajer.kefi at parisdescartes.fr
Wed Oct 2 09:39:03 EDT 2013

Dear colleagues,
please find attached the CFP of Culture and Information Systems Ethics
Workshop which will be in the University of Paris Descartes, the 6th of
June 2014. http://www.cerimes.org/

The best papers, selected by the scientific committee, will be proposed for
publication in a book published by CAMBRIDGE SCHOLARS PUBLISHING,

Important dates:

- Intention to communicate: January 10, 2014

- Deadline for paper submissions: February 07, 2014

- Notifications of decisions sent to authors on or about this date: March
15, 2014

- Finalized papers due: April 15, 2014

- IT Culture workshop in the University of Paris Descartes, 12 rue de
l'école de médecine, Paris : June 6, 2014

Madame Hajer Kefi
Maître de Conférences
Habilitée à diriger des recherches
Responsable du parcours CSIC en L3 SEG Université Paris Descartes

Chercheur au CERIMES/CEDAG -EA 1516
Université Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cité
hajer.kefi at parisdescartes.fr
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