[AISWorld] Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems Vol. 5 Issue 2

Michelle Yen yenjumin at mail.nsysu.edu.tw
Thu Oct 3 04:15:26 EDT 2013

Dear Colleagues,


On behalf of the Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems (PAJAIS), I am pleased to announce that Vol. 5. Number 2, 2013 issue of PAJAIS is now available at the journal web site: http://journal.ecrc.nsysu.edu.tw/pajais/

PAJAIS is also available through AIS e-library: http://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/


Table of Contents 


Editor’s Introduction

Ting-Peng Liang



Information systems (IS) research is often driven by new technology and platforms. The term SOLOMO (social-local-mobile) has been used to show potential directions of new ICT innovations. Mobile commerce as a trend has been the target of research for decades. Social media related issues gain the momentum recently due to the popularity of Facebook, LinkedIn, or renren.com in China. Social media provide a platform for information to flow quickly on the Internet and can be used for many purposes.


1)      The Role of Social Media during Queensland Floods: An Empirical Investigation on the Existence of Multiple Communities of Practice (MCoPs) 

Ashir Ahmed and Sukunesan Sinnappan


The notion of communities getting together during a disaster to help each other is common. However, how does this communal activity happen within the online world? Here we examine this issue using the Communities of Practice (CoP) approach. We extend CoP to multiple CoP (MCoPs) and examine the role of social media applications in disaster management, extending work done by Ahmed (2011). Secondary data in the form of newspaper reports during 2010 to 2011 were analysed to understand how social media, particularly Facebook and Twitter, facilitated the process of communication among various communities during the Queensland floods in 2010. The results of media-content analysis along with the findings of relevant literature were used to extend our existing understanding on various communities of practice involved in disaster management, their communication tasks and the role of Twitter and Facebook as common conducive platforms of communication during disaster management alongside traditional communication channels.


Keywords: Communities of Practice, Social Media, Disaster Management


2)      On Facilitating Regional Integration and Economic Development with Collaborative Technologies in the South Pacific

Acklesh Prasad, Glen Finau, Jale Samuwai, Biman Prasad and Peter Green



The current global economic instability and the vulnerability of small island nations are providing the impetus for greater integration between the countries of the South Pacific region. This exercise is critical for their survival in today’s turbulent economic environment. Past efforts of regional integration in the South Pacific have not been very successful. Reasons attributed to this outcome include issues related to damage of sovereignty, and lack of a shared integration infrastructure. Today, the IT resources with collaborative capacities provide the opportunity to develop a shared IT infrastructure to facilitate integration in the South Pacific. In an attempt to develop a model of regional integration with an IT-backed infrastructure, we identify and report on the antecedents of the current stage of regional integration, and the stakeholders’ perceived benefits of an IT resources backed regional integration in the South Pacific. Employing a case study based approach, the study finds that while most stakeholders were positive about the potential of IT-backed regional integration, significant challenges exist that hinder the realisation of this model. The study finds that facilitating IT-backed regional integration requires enabling IT infrastructure, equitable IT development in the region, greater awareness on the potential of the modern IT resources, market liberalisation of the information and telecommunications sector and greater political support for IT initiatives.


Keywords: Regional integration, IT-backed regional integration, Web 2.0 tools, cloud computing resources, developing economies, South Pacific, collaborative technologies, ICT4D



3)      A Systematic Literature Review on Strategic Information Systems Planning: Insights from the Past Decade

Alireza Amrollahi, Amir Hossein Ghapanchi and Amir Talaei-Khoei


Strategic information system planning (SISP) has been an important concern for top business and information systems (IS) managers. This paper employs a systematic literature review approach for 12 top ranking IS journals in the past 10 years in order to classify them based on their focus levels, research topics, and research methods. Our search resulted in 45 papers which are categorized into four focus groups, three context groups and six topic groups. The results indicate that most of the research focus to date has been on the alignment and development of plans. Researchers have paid more attention to the context as the focus of research, the firm as research context and the quantitative approach as research method. The results may be beneficial to show new researchers the current status and research gaps and for practitioners who want to ascertain valuable topics in the literature that help them with their business problems.


Keywords: Strategic Information System Planning, Information System Planning, SISP, Information System Alignment.


Best Regards, 

Dr. Ting-Peng Liang, Editor in Chief, 

Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 

Information Systems Department 

College of Business Administration 

Electronic Commerce Research Center
National Sun Yat-sen University 
70 Lien-Hai Road, Kaohsiung 804 Taiwan
TEL:886-7-5252000 ext 4781

Ju-min Michelle Yen
Research Assistant
Electronic Commerce Research Center
70 Lien-Hai Road, Kaohsiung 804 Taiwan
TEL:886-7-5252000 ext 4711

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