[AISWorld] Graduate Student Opportunity

Jack Carroll jcarroll at ist.psu.edu
Tue Nov 26 11:59:47 EST 2013


I am seeking a graduate student to start a PhD in Information Sciences and Technology at Penn State next fall. Penn State's application deadline is December 15:
GraduatePrograms at ist.psu.edu<mailto:GraduatePrograms at ist.psu.edu>

I am pretty widely interested in HCI and CSCW areas. My main research area now is mobile technology, especially issues of coordination and awareness, altruism and peer-to-peer exchange, and local democracy, urban planning and community informatics (aka smart cities). I have current funded projects on time banking, smart camera prosthetics for visually impaired persons, municipal geodeliberation, and family online safety (see links below). I have smaller efforts underway on Internet feed aggregation, community heritage and place making, collaborative educational technology, opportunistic political discussion, psychometrics for user experience research, sustainable information technology, and interactive tools for collaborative information analysis. I have planned/proposed work on healthy living support for elderly people, context aware peer-to-peer exchange, collaborative exercise, and tools for biomedical data integration.

Some links to projects and recent results -

One benefit of joining our group is that we have on board a very talented crew of six PhD students and three post docs, who collaborate with and teach one another. We also collaborate closely with Mary Beth Rosson, Heng Xu, and Guoray Cai, all of whom have active research efforts, including collaborations with me on several of the topics listed above.


John M. Carroll
Distinguished Professor of Information Sciences and Technology
Professor-by-courtesy of Computer Science and Engineering, Instructional Systems, and Psychology
307H IST Building
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802-6823 USA
Phone: 1.814.863.2476; Fax: 1.814.865.6426
Web: http://jcarroll.ist.psu.edu/
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