[AISWorld] International Journal of Intercultural Information Management seeks Associate Editors;

Kar Leung knl164 at uowmail.edu.au
Mon Dec 2 07:28:32 EST 2013

International Journal of Intercultural Information Management (IJIIM) (http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijiim) is an international, peer reviewed journal published quarterly by Inderscience. IJIIM publishes papers analysing all aspects of international and intercultural issues with regard to information management.

IJIIM is seeking two Associate Editors to join the editorial team, starting in 2014. The basic responsibilities of Associate Editors include:
- Associate Editors should work with the Editor on the journal so that they would be in a position to continue temporarily with editorial duties and ensure regular publication if the Editor was absent for any reason.
- Associate Editors should be responsible for finding and guiding Guest Editors for special issues of the journal (2-4 per year, if necessary).
- Associate Editors may also contact the Chair of relevant conferences, or relevant sessions in conferences, and ask them to be Guest Editors of special issues based on selections of best papers presented at the conferences or workshops after asking the authors to expand them for publication in the journal.
- Associate Editors should be responsible for quality assurance, coordinating a panel of referees to help in refereeing the papers submitted to the journal and ensuring the high quality expected of published papers.
- Associate Editors should help in providing at least one paper and referee or help in refereeing three papers for the journal per year.
- Associate Editors should edit a special issue or recommend a guest editor to edit a special issue once every three years.

Each candidate is requested to provide the following information:
1. Current CV that includes information about education, academic and administrative positions, publications, awards, professional affiliations and activities, and other relevant items.
2. Description of Co-Editorship experience with scholarly journals or other types of publications.
3. Statement of interest and potential contribution (one page).

The due date for application is 31st December 2013. All applications and enquiries about the positions should be addressed to Nelson Leung, Editor-in-Chief (nelson.k.leung at gmail.com<mailto:nelson.k.leung at gmail.com>)

Nelson Leung
International Journal of Intercultural Information Management

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