[AISWorld] AIS Education Awards

Siau, Keng L. siauk at mst.edu
Thu Dec 19 18:17:14 EST 2013

Dear all:

Each year, AIS recognizes those who have made important and innovative strides in information systems education by awarding three different awards to deserving candidates:

(i)                 AIS Award for Best Conference Paper in IS Education

(ii)               AIS Award for Innovation in Teaching

(iii)             AIS Award for Outstanding Contribution to IS Education

We would like to congratulate the winners of this year's AIS Education Awards.  The winners were announced at the ICIS conference in Milan.

(i)             AIS Award for Best Conference Paper in IS Education

a.     Tim Hill, Laku Chidambaram, and Jama Summers, "A Field Experiment in Blended Learning: Performance Effects of Supplementing the Traditional Classroom Experience with a Web-based Virtual Learning Environment", AMCIS 2013

(ii)           AIS Award for Innovation in Teaching

a.     Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

(iii)         AIS Award for Outstanding Contribution to IS Education

a.       Alan R. Dennis, Indiana University, USA

b.      Mary Granger, George Washington University, USA

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the AIS Education Awards Selection Committee:

  *   Keng Siau, AIS VP of Education, Missouri University of Science and Technology<mailto:siauk at mst.edu> (Chair)
  *   Andrew Burton-Jones, University of Queensland
  *   Matti Rossi, Aalto University
  *   Bernard Tan, National University of Singapore
  *   Heikki Topi, Bentley University
  *   Andrew Urbaczewski, University of Denver

Professor Keng Siau, Ph.D.
Chair, Business & Information Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
101 Fulton Hall
Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Phone: 573-341-4528
Fax: 573-341-4812
Email: siauk at mst.edu<mailto:siauk at mst.edu>
Website: http://people.mst.edu/faculty/siauk

Vice President of Education
Association for Information Systems
Website: http://start.aisnet.org<http://start.aisnet.org/>
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