[AISWorld] JAIS Special Issue on Information Systems Solutions for Environmental Sustainability

Roya Gholami royagholami2014 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 05:55:33 EST 2014

Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Call for papers: Information Systems Solutions for Environmental

*Special Issue Guest Editors*

Roya Gholami (Aston University, UK) - gholamir at aston.ac.uk

Niels Bjørn-Andersen (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark) - nba at cbs.dk

Helen Hassan (University of Wollongong, Australia) - hasan at uow.edu.au

Alemayehu Molla (RMIT University, Australia) - alemayehu.molla at rmit.edu.au

Richard T. Watson (University of Georgia, US) -
rwatson at terry.uga.edu<https://mail.aston.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=OwmqExOMME6WMOWvB_RbasqOMp_41dAIMvqCKpxa0dGojvJgHNkYmEcfA-4pfy92EKtbKoHCEEY.&URL=mailto%3arwatson%40terry.uga.edu>

Creating a sustainable environment is a critical problem facing the whole
world. We are all affected by global climate change and other massive
environmental shifts, such as rising sea levels, ocean acidification and
loss of biodiversity. These issues must be addressed before we go beyond
the tipping point where the effects cannot be reversed.

More and better quality information is a perquisite for perceiving the
state of the environment and then making appropriate decisions to
ameliorate identified problems. Given that information systems have been
the major force for productivity increases in the last half-century, it is
appropriate that IS scholars immerse themselves in creating solutions for
environmental problems. Indeed, given the immensity of the ecological
problems we face, it is imperative that that there is large scale
involvement by the IS scholarly community in helping to create a
sustainable society. Such engagement requires IS scholars to keep in mind
the ultimate goal of solving significant societal problems related to
environmental degradation.

For this special issue, we invite papers oriented towards IS solutions for
environmental sustainability.  Authors should identify the environmental
problem their paper addresses and justify its significance. Authors should
indicate what actions their research suggests and give an indication of the
available evidence to suggest that these actions will achieve their
purpose. The goal of this Special Issue is to encourage authors to
undertake research that can contribute to the solution of environmental
problems. Thus, papers that address this goal are suitable candidates for
submission. We encourage authors to submit an initial abstract so that the
editors can provide guidance on the potential fit to this special issue's
purpose of enhancing environmental sustainability.

*Submissions are not restricted to a particular methodology or unit of
analysis, but they should be focused on the creation of a more sustainable

Some possible questions for consideration are:[1] <#_ftn1>

*    What are the information requirements for a sustainable society? For
example, what data, in terms of attributes and granularity, are required
for pollution reporting and pricing?

*    What information do consumers need about the usage of the objects they
own or manage to increase their awareness of their ecological impact?

*    How can information systems be used to change social norms to advance

*    How can information systems be deployed to reduce environmental
damage, such as reducing carbon emissions?

*    What information granularity will lead to more effective enforcement
of environmental regulations?

*    What information reporting standards for organizations and products
will enhance environmental decision making by governments, organizations,
and consumers?

*    What theories have sufficient prescriptive accuracy to be useful in
designing systems for a sustainable society?

Submissions need not be limited to the preceding list of questions.
Critical dates

Abstract submission (one page only)

April 1, 2014

Abstract feedback

April 24, 2014

Full submission

September 15, 2014

Initial review

November 15, 2014

Workshop for papers receiving a revise and resubmit at ICIS in Auckland

December 13, 2014

Revised paper submission

February 28, 2015

Revised paper review

May 1, 2015

Second revision submission

August 1, 2015

Acceptance decision

September 1, 2105

*Special Issue Editorial Board *

·         Aoun, Chadi (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)

*·         *Avital, Michel (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark)

·         Carlson, Raul (Viktoria Institute, Sweden)

·         Cooper, Vanessa (RMIT, Australia)

·         Corbett, Jacqueline (Laval University in Quebec City, Canada)

·         Cranefield, Jocelyn ( Victoria University of Wellington,

·         Dedrick, Jason (University of Syracuse, US)

·         Donnelan, Brian (NUI Maynooth, Ireland)

·         Dwyer, Catherin (Pace University, US)

·        Goswami, Suparna (TU Minich,Germany)

·         Kranz, Johann (University of Goettingen, Germany)

·         Ketter, Wolf (Rotterdam University, Netherlands)

·         Kotlarskey, Julia (Aston University, UK)

·         Madlberger, Maria (Webster University, Austria)

·         Melville, Nigel (University of Michigan, US)

·         Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri (University of Oulu, Finland)

·         Seidel, Stefan (University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein)

·         Scharl, Arno (MODUL University, Vienna)

·       *Schroede,  Andreas (Aston University, UK)*

·         vom Brocke, Jan (Universitaet Liechtenstein,  Liechtenstein)


[1] <#_ftnref1> Some of these questions are based on those raised by
Watson, R. T., Boudreau, M.-C., & Chen, A. J. W. (2010). Information
Systems and environmentally sustainable development: Energy Informatics and
new directions for the IS community. *MIS Quarterly, 34*(1), 23-38.

Roya Gholami
Senior Lecturer
Operations & Information Management Group
Aston Business School
Aston University
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