[AISWorld] AMCIS 2014 CFP: Mini-Track: Contemporary Issues in Agile Development

Venugopal Balijepally bvenugopal at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 10:09:41 EST 2014

AMCIS 2014 CFP: Mini-Track: Contemporary Issues in Agile Development

Track: Systems Analysis and Design

Savannah, Georgia, USA, August 7-10, 2014 

Agile manifesto, which introduced agile methodologies, is now more than a
decade old. During this period, these methodologies have seen increased
acceptance among software developers. This brings to the fore a number of
research issues-adoption and/or adaptation of agile methods, agile project
management, social aspects of agile development, distributed agile
development, scalability of agile methodologies, and enterprise agility, to
name but a few. The incorporation of myriad practices, particularly those
advocated by lean principles, has only rendered the term "agility" more
nebulous. Prospective research topics include lean and agile practices and
their synergies/differences, and the role of agile/lean principles in
facilitating flexible enterprise architectures. Considering the rapid growth
of agile development practices, the Project Management Institute (PMI)
recently introduced a new certification program focused on agile project
management. This is expected to further consolidate and spread the use of
agile development. Some illustrative project management aspects of agile
development in need of research attention include cost and schedule
estimation/planning, resource allocation, risk management, and change
control management. 


This mini-track will provide a forum for researchers to address fundamental
issues regarding agile development practices as well as contemporary topics
raised by its widespread acceptance and use.


Suggested Topics

.         Agile project management versus traditional project management

.         Knowledge Management in agile development

.         "Agile methods in theory" versus "agile methods in practice"

.         Decision-making and governance issues of agile development

.         Self-organizing principles and practices of agile teams

.         Integrating human-computer interaction (HCI) concepts with agile

.         Economics of agile development

.         Role of agile methods in large-scale, mission critical systems

.         Scalability of agile projects

.         Agile development in regulated environments

.         Distributed agile development, challenges, risks, and

.         Lean practices in agile development

.         Synergies/differences between lean principles and agility 

.         Ability of agile practices to deal with project disruptions


Submit your manuscript before March 1, 2014 at


Important dates: 

March 1, 2014     Submission Deadline
April 4, 2014         Author Notification
April 18, 2014      Revision Deadline
April 25, 2014      Camera Ready Submission Deadline

VenuGopal Balijepally

Oakland University

balijepa at oakland.edu

Sridhar Nerur

University of Texas Arlington

snerur at uta.edu 




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