[AISWorld] CFP: KM&EL Special Issue on Novakian concept mapping in university and professional education

maggie wang maggiemhwang at gmail.com
Mon Mar 3 08:39:27 EST 2014

*Call for Papers*

*Knowledge Management & E-Learning (KM&EL)*

*(Indexed by SCOPUS)*

*Special Issue on*

*Novakian concept mapping in university and professional education*

*Guest Editor*

*Ian M. Kinchin, BSc, MPhil, PhD, CBiol, FSB, SFHEA*

Professor, Department of Higher Education,

University of Surrey

Guildford, UK

Email: i.kinchin at surrey.ac.uk

This special issue of the KM&EL international journal is dedicated to
coverage of advances in the application of Novakian concept mapping to
academic research and to teaching and learning at university and in
professional education contexts.

Over the past forty years there have been numerous published studies that
have illustrated learning gains among students who have been introduced to
concept mapping in their classes - particularly in early-years and
secondary education. This focus reflects the context of much of the early
research conducted by Joseph Novak and colleagues at Cornell University
that was looking to develop science education within compulsory education.
Since then, many studies have reported quasi-experimental studies to show
how the introduction of concept mapping has enhanced student learning when
compared with traditional teaching environments.

In this call we invite papers that look beyond simple comparison between
students who have used concept mapping and those who have not, to describe
advances in the theorization and application of concept mapping in
post-compulsory education.

The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Enhancement of student learning through concept mapping
   - Application of concept mapping to curriculum design
   - Application of concept mapping to strategic planning
   - Concept mapping to explore the links between teaching and research
   - Exploring disciplinary differences through concept mapping and
   visualization of disciplinary knowledge structures
   - Networked approaches to health professional education (e.g. medical,
   nursing, veterinary, dental and other allied health professions)
   - Visualization of links between theory and practice in applied subjects
   (e.g. clinical and engineering sciences)
   - Concept mapping and the integration of educational theory
   - Concept mapping and collaborative learning
   - Concept mapping and doctoral supervision
   - Concept mapping and faculty development
   - Mapping the development of professional expertise
   - Concept mapping and learning analytics
   - Application of concept mapping to e-learning design and delivery

This issue is designed to elicit both theoretical and applied papers that
describe efforts to consider Novakian concept mapping in novel contexts and
through innovative theoretical lenses that will help to embed the tool into
practice more widely.

*Important Dates*

Submission due: 15th September, 2014

Notification of acceptance: 24th November, 2014

Publication schedule: March, 2015 (Vol. 7. No. 1)

*Submission Instructions*

Electronic submission by email to the Guest Editor is required (
i.kinchin at surrey.ac.uk).

Papers must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently
be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A standard double-blind
review process will be used for selecting papers to be published in this
special issue. Authors should follow the instructions outlined in the KM&EL
Website (see URL

For more information about the KM&EL, please visit the web site:

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