[AISWorld] Call for Papers | Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS)

Arslan, Faruk farslan at utep.edu
Mon Mar 3 15:53:10 EST 2014

Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) will be published henceforth by the Taylor and Francis group.  We are looking for experienced reviewers and Associate Editors for our journal.


Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) http://jips.utep.edu

The mission of the Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) is to serve both academics and practitioners as a reliable source on issues of information privacy and security. The Journal is a high quality refereed journal that seeks support from academicians, industry experts and specific government agencies. The JIPS focuses on publishing articles that address the paradoxical nature of privacy versus security amidst current global conditions. It is increasingly important that various constituents of information begin to understand their role in finding solutions to achieve a delicate balance between security and privacy.

The JIPS will facilitate understanding of the information assurance technical framework as it pertains to government agencies, companies and individuals. The topics may include the information privacy and security issues pertaining to initiatives on counter-terrorism efforts around the world, the impact of U.S. federal regulation and compliance issues facing global corporations, the impact of privacy and security initiatives within small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and e-gambling.

Article submissions are encouraged from both academics and practitioners. Each issue will include high quality articles from academics and practitioners, case studies, book reviews, and industry interviews. The Journal addresses issues of privacy and security from a global perspective and will consider articles with a cross-functional focus. The Journal will include articles in the following areas:

- Information Assurance frameworks
- Network security and impact on corporate infrastructure
- Privacy laws and impact on information compliance issues
- The duality of privacy and security and impact on corporate operations
- Governmental regulations and changes on information security requirements
- Data transfer issues across nations, states, and corporations
- Privacy and security requirements in B2B and B2C information flows
- Cross-functional aspects of information assurance and requirements faced by various business functions within companies
- Web sites, portals and the issue of trust
- Information privacy and security as it relates to end-users
- Applications and case studies in privacy and security issues facing business organizations, government agencies and individuals
- Emerging topics such as biometrics, software utilities, and IT obligations and how they change the business environment

We also welcome suggestions on special issue covering a relevant topic.

Review Process
Each article will be blind-reviewed by three members of the editorial review board. Reviewer recommendation will be considered by the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor. For a revision and rewrite, a revised paper will be sent to one of the Editors for final approval. The final decision will be made by the Editor-in-Chief.

Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines  at http://jips.utep.edu

All inquiries and submissions should be sent to:
Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Kallol Bagchi, kbagchi at utep.edu<mailto:kbagchi at utep.edu>

Faruk Arslan
Department of Accounting and Information Systems | College of Business | The University of Texas at El Paso
Mobile: 00 1 915 227 4889| http://business.utep.edu/faculty/profiles/arslan/ | www.linkedin.com/pub/faruk-arslan/6/1a1/913<http://www.linkedin.com/pub/faruk-arslan/6/1a1/913>

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