[AISWorld] 5 Days Only: The 1st AIS-Journals Joint Author Workshop in ECIS 2014 -- Submit by APR 24

Eldon Y. Li eli at nccu.edu.tw
Fri Apr 18 23:26:20 EDT 2014

*AIS-Journals Joint Author Workshop in ECIS 2014 -- Open Call*

Submission due by Thursday APR 24*


With the success of the first workshop in PACIS 2013, Association for 
Information Systems (AIS) will hold a similar workshop the first time in 
ECIS 2014 especially designed to assist authors who had submitted or 
plan to submit their work to one of the AIS-8 and 5 other AIS Journals 

This is an AIS-sponsored joint workshop where selected editors and 
authors of all AIS journals are congregating and mingling in one place.  
The purpose is to have an interactive discussion between 1-2 editors and 
3-4 authors on the same table. Each author can only present one paper in 
this workshop and is obliged to stay on the same table. There is a lunch 
event for all registered participants and mentors.

The workshop welcomes authors to submit full papers, work-in-progress 
papers, or extended abstracts of at least 5 pages.  Authors who had 
submitted papers to ECIS 2014 are welcome to submit their papers again 
to this workshop and get a chance to interact with the editors. Each 
accepted paper will entitle a 15-minute oral presentation to a small 
group of AIS journal editors and other prospective authors in a 
round-table format, followed by a 30-minute interactive discussion.  The 
discussion following each presentation focuses on how to improve the 
paper for journal submission. During each session, up to 4 papers will 
be presented and discussed on each table; each paper will last for up to 
45 minutes. To facilitate discussion, all editors and authors must read 
the papers on the same table before attending the workshop.

A number of AIS journal Editors and Senior Editors have been invited to 
participate and there should be enough capacity to serve a group of 40 
papers. Acceptance to the workshop will be on a first-come, first-served 
basis. Priority will be given to full or nearly-completed papers.

*Workshop Fee*: USD50 (=EUR36).

*Conference Fee*: Required; please seeconference website 
<http://ecis2014.eu/registration-new/>for details.

*AIS Membership*: Required; pleasejoin or renew as a member 
<http://aisnet.org/general/register_member_type.asp>before attending the 

*Venue*: ECIS Conference room.


APR 24 (THU) Papers/Abstracts submission closed

APR 26 (SAT) Authors receive acceptance letters

MAY 3 (SAT) Authors submit camera-ready copies

MAY 10 (SAT) Authors receive final schedule

JUN 7 (SAT) Workshop commenced at 8:00am


*Workshop schedule: JUN 7 (SAT)*

08:00 - 08:20 a.m. – Registration and Coffee Reception

08:20 - 08:30 a.m. -- Introduction to the Workshop & Opening

08:30 - 10:00 a.m. – Round-table discussion (90min)

10:00 - 10:20 a.m. – Coffee break and member exchanges

10:20 - 11:50 a.m. -- Round-table discussion (90min)

11:50 - 12:00 p.m. – Concluding remarks

*/12:00 - 13:30 p.m. – Workshop buffet lunch/*


1.Deadline for submission is *Thursday, APR 24, 2014. *

2.Papers should be submitted online in English with Word or Adobe PDF 
format to:

3.If you plan to turn in an abstract or a work-in-progress paper, please 
make sure it contain the following sections:

(1)INTRODUCTION: Identify the research gap and your research purposes. 
Justify why they are important to our community.

(2)LITERATURE REVIEW: Discuss the extant papers and how your study is 
different from them. Summarize what has been already established about 
the core concepts. Explain why research to date cannot fulfill your 
research goal.

(3)RESEARCH FRAMEWORK: Present your research framework or model and 
describe its components or constructs.

(4)RESEARCH METHOD: Discuss how you will collect the data and verify the 

(5)EXPECTED CONTRIBUTION: Describe your expected contributions to theory 
and practice.

(6)CURRENT PROGRESS: Describe the current state of the research project.

*Important notes:*

1.There will be a fee of US$ 50 for attending this workshop.  This fee 
entitles each registrant a morning coffee reception, a coffee break, and 
a buffet lunch.

2.In order to publish the paper/abstract in the online workshop 
proceedings at the ECIS website, an accepted paper must have at least 
one author paid ECIS 2014 registration fee and clearly identify the 
author who will present the paper in the workshop.

3.Each registered paper may send one additional co-author to attend the 
workshop, but both authors must be active AIS members and paid the 
workshop fees. Please print out your AIS membership and ECIS online 
payment receipts and e-mail them to the workshop coordinator, Prof. 
Eldon Y. Li, at eli at nccu.edu.tw <mailto:eli at nccu.edu.tw>with a subject 
line of “Submitting ECIS registration and AIS membership receipts” when 
you submit your workshop registration form. The second workshop author 
who did not pay ECIS 2014 registration fee cannot attend any other ECIS 

4.Each accepted paper will receive an acceptance letter from the 
workshop coordinator indicating the paper’s title and author name(s).

5.Any author who attended the workshop will received a certificate of 
completion after the conference.

6.The workshop proceedings and the workshop information containing paper 
titles and author name(s) will be published online at the ECIS website.

7.Papers or abstracts which are accepted by the conference will be 
published in the ECIS online proceedings; these cannot and will not 
appear in the workshop proceedings again.

8.For copyright concern in case of the paper will be submitted to a 
journal subsequently, each author can choose to publish either an 
abstract or a full paper in the workshop proceedings.

This document is also available on 

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