[AISWorld] Second CfP - HICSS 48 - Minitrack on ICT Enabled Services

Tilson, David david.tilson at Simon.Rochester.edu
Mon Apr 21 15:59:38 EDT 2014

Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS) January 5 - 8, 2015, Grand Hyatt, Kauai, Hawaii

CALL FOR PAPERS: Minitrack on ICT Enabled Services (in Decision Analytics, Mobile Technologies and Service Science track)

The purpose of the minitrack is to draw researchers' attention to Innovation, Design, Development, Management, and Use of ICT Enabled Services for both Consumers and Enterprises. It provides a discussion forum for researchers interested in fostering analytics-based and service-based approaches to these areas as well as an opportunity to present and debate both design and theory-based solutions to the problems facing industry in the deployment of ICT enabled services. In a broad sense, ICT enabled services can be defined as [1<x-msg://26/#_ENREF_1>] : "..systems that enable value co-creation through the development and implementation of information and communication technology enabled processes that integrate system value propositions with customer value drivers." ICT enabled services go beyond well-known consumer and enterprise web-based services like Facebook, Amazon or Alibaba. They meld the worlds of bits and atoms and promise to transform the transportation, energy, and other sectors like the media industries before them.  This emerging area of research raises interesting questions. For example, traditional development approaches focus on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational processes. The design of ICT enabled services may, however, require an emphasis on the socio-psychological aspects, such as the value-in-use and user/consumer/co-creator experiences.

Relevant topics for this minitrack include (but are not limited to):

*      ICT enabled services, mobile services, and consumer information systems
-    Discovery, fuzzy-front end, and innovation processes
-    Design, and development processes and methodologies
-    Analytics supported innovation, design, development, and management
-    Socio-psychological aspects of ICT enabled service use
-    Temporo-spatial relevance, e.g., wearable device, such as iWatch or Google Glasses, enabled services
*      Consumer and enterprise user aspects
-    Service ecosystems
-    Social networking
-    Location and/or sensor aware services
-    Hedonic ICT enabled services
-    Understanding social and cultural contexts
-    Consumerization of enterprise services

  *   Cyber-Physical systems and services
-          Cyber-Physical systems and services from different disciplinary perspectives, such as, information systems, operations research, software engineering, service science, and service research
-          Service innovation based on cyber-physical systems and services
-          Service ecosystems, platforms and novel architecture related cyber-physical systems and services
-          Theoretical aspects of cyber-physical systems and services research
-          Cyber-physical systems and services as artifacts
-          Use and adoption of cyber-physical systems and services


Tilo Böhmann, Universität Hamburg
boehmann at informatik.uni-hamburg.de<mailto:boehmann at informatik.uni-hamburg.de>

David Tilson, University of Rochester
david.tilson at simon.rochester.edu<mailto:david.tilson at simon.rochester.edu>

Tuure Tuunanen, University of Jyväskylä
tuure at tuunanen.fi<mailto:tuure at tuunanen.fi>

June 15             Submission full manuscripts
Aug 15               Acceptance Notifications

[1] T. Tuunanen, M. Myers, and H. Cassab, "A Conceptual Framework for Consumer Information Systems Development," Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems, vol. 2, pp. 47-66, 2010.

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