Siau, Keng L. siauk at mst.edu
Wed Apr 23 02:13:42 EDT 2014

Dear colleagues,

AIS is seeking a Co-Chair to lead the ACM-AIS MSIS Task Force.  The AIS Co-Chair will work with the ACM Co-Chair to jointly lead the ACM-AIS MSIS Task Force in reviewing and updating the MSIS (i.e., master's program in information systems) 2006 curriculum.  The work will start around June 2014 and last for about three fiscal years.  AIS has approved funding for three fiscal years (i.e., 2014-2017) for this purpose.

The following article provides more details on the MSIS 2006 model curriculum:
Gorgone, John T.; Gray, Paul; Stohr, Edward A.; Valacich, Joseph S.; and Wigand, Rolf T. (2006) "MSIS 2006: Model Curriculum and Guidelines for Graduate Degree Programs in Information Systems," Communications of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 17, Article 1.  Available at: http://aisel.aisnet.org/cais/vol17/iss1/1

We are looking for someone satisfying the following criteria to take the position of AIS Co-Chair for the ACM-AIS MSIS Task Force:

(i)                 AIS member

(ii)               Tenured Faculty

(iii)             At least 3-year experience in teaching MSIS courses

(iv)             Demonstrated experience with development of graduate level IS curricula

(v)               MSIS or MBA administration experience is a plus

If you are interested, please submit your resume and a cover letter that addresses the above five criteria to Keng Siau (email: siauk at mst.edu<mailto:siauk at mst.edu>), AIS VP of Education, by May 3, 2014.

Thank you.

Professor Keng Siau, Ph.D.
Chair, Business & Information Technology
Missouri University of Science and Technology
101 Fulton Hall
Rolla, MO 65409, USA
Phone: 573-341-4528
Fax: 573-341-4812
Email: siauk at mst.edu<mailto:siauk at mst.edu>
Website: http://people.mst.edu/faculty/siauk

Vice President of Education
Association for Information Systems
Website: http://start.aisnet.org<http://start.aisnet.org/>

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