[AISWorld] WI 2015 | Call for Papers

Oliver Thomas oliver.thomas at uni-osnabrueck.de
Mon May 5 14:44:50 EDT 2014

Call for Papers

WI 2015 - 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik
"Smart Enterprise Engineering - digital products and processes for the enterprise of the future"


March 4th-6th 2015,
Osnabrueck, Germany

The International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI) is the flagship conference of the German-speaking Information Systems community. With its rigorous reviewing policies and acceptance rates of around 25%, the WI conference has established itself in line with high-profile conferences such as ECIS or ICIS. The conference equally addresses scientists, practitioners and students, who are interested in current developments in the field of information technology as well as the business models related thereto.

The conference's motto "Smart Enterprise Engineering - digital products and processes for the enterprise of the future" has been chosen to foster discussions about current challenges and research opportunities as well as the development prospects of our field as a whole. It is intended to connect the Information Systems community with users and corporate decision-makers to enable scientific exchanges on a high level for the mutual benefit. Hence, "Science meets Business" is an integral part of our motto.

WI 2015 will be held in the city of Osnabrueck, Germany. Osnabrueck is quite reasonably perceived as an important center of higher education and science on the one hand, and as a commercially attractive location for innovative medium-sized enterprises with national and international significance on the other. Furthermore, it is a meaningful center for the logistics, food, engineering and healthcare industries. With the Varus Battle and the Peace of Westphalia, two major events of world-historical importance, took place in the region surrounding Osnabrueck. There are 506,000 people living in the city and its rural district, and time and again studies furnish evidence that these are the happiest people throughout the federal territory.

Conference venues are the recently modernized OsnabrueckHalle convention center (e.g., keynotes, panels), the Osnabrueck castle (e.g., welcome reception, lectures) and the university's seminar building (e.g., lectures, doctoral consortium). All conference locations are in direct proximity to Osnabrueck's city center, the historic section of town and some of the hotels. Osnabrueck is a conference location with short distances.

The organization team is proud to announce Stephan Weil, Minister-President of Lower Saxony, as the conference's patron.
Further Information on the area are provided on the conference website: http://www.wi2015.de/english/osnabrueck-osnabruecker-land/

Tracks / Research Topics

Researchers and practitioners are cordially invited to submit original research papers to the twelve research tracks of the WI 2015. For each of the tracks, two Track Chairs have determined an international Program Committee which will review every submitted paper following a double blind review process. Submissions in both German and English languages are welcome. Apart from 11 issue-focused tracks, there is a cross-thematic general track and both doctoral and student consortia:

- Information Systems in Industry (Peter Loos, Karl Kurbel)
- Services and Hybrid Value Creation (Jan Marco Leimeister, Kathrin Moeslein)
- Architectural Thinking (Witold Abramowicz, Robert Winter)
- Business Process Management and Modeling (Joerg Becker, Jan Mendling)
- Information and Knowledge Management (Ulrike Baumoel, Franz Lehner)
- Social Media and Collective Intelligence (Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Detlef Schoder)
- Sustainability, Energy and Mobility (Michael Breitner, Christof Weinhardt)
- Data Privacy and Security (Guenter Mueller, Guenther Pernul)
- Innovation and Business Models (Tilo Boehmann, Peter Buxmann)
- IS Usage and Evaluation (Helmut Krcmar, Tim Weitzel)
- Research Methods and Philosophy of Science (Ulrich Frank, Bjoern Niehaves)
- Visionary and interdisciplinary Topics (Karlheinz Kautz, Markus Nuettgens)

- Doctoral Consortium (Axel Winkelmann)
- Student Consortium (Jan vom Brocke, Bernd Schenk)

The WI 2015 committee welcomes original research submissions on all topics related to Information Systems engineering, including but not limited to the topics listed above. Submissions must be entered electronically via the submission management system available later and adhere to the submission template provided on the conference website.

The Doctoral Consortium takes place on 2nd and 3rd March 2015. It is a forum for doctoral students of Information Systems or students of similar disciplines with a main focus on Information Systems' topics. It offers the occasion for the participants to intensively discuss their papers with professors.

As in the past years, the WI 2015 provides a forum for the presentation of student research work. Analogically to the papers for the research tracks, master students may submit their works; in case of a positive review, they are given the possibility to present their first research results at the conference.

As part of the conference program, there is the possibility to design panels offering a platform for the discussion of current and controversial issues in the field of Information Systems. Tutorials enable the systematical transfer of basic knowledge in a special field of Information Systems. For both panels and tutorials, a reference to the motto of the WI 2015 is appreciated.

For further information on each track's topics, please visit the conference website: http://www.wi2015.de/english/tracks/

Conference Schedule

03 Aug 2014 - Submission of papers
23 Oct 2014 - Notification of acceptance
08 Dec 2014 - Submission of camera ready papers

31 Oct 2014 - Submission of papers (short version)
01 Dec 2014 - Invitation of Ph.D. students
31 Jan 2015 - Submission of papers (long version)

31 Oct 2014 - Submission of papers
01 Dec 2014 - Invitation of students
15 Dec 2014 - Submission of camera ready papers

03 Aug 2014 - Submission of proposals
23 Oct 2014 - Notification of acceptance

Conference Organization

Prof. Dr. Oliver Thomas
Prof. Dr. Frank Teuteberg

Dipl.-Geogr. David Sossna


Website: http://www.wi2015.de/english/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WI2015
Twitter: http://twitter.com/wi_2015
E-Mail: wi2015 at uni-osnabrueck.de<mailto:wi2015 at uni-osnabrueck.de>
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