[AISWorld] Final CFP: HICSS-48 Mini-Track on Ethical Issues in Organizational Information Systems

Sutirtha Chatterjee suti.chatterjee at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 23:22:41 EDT 2014

*****Apologies for Multiple and Cross Postings*****
Call for Papers
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)-48
January 5-8, 2015, Kauai, Hawaii, USA

 *Mini-track: Ethical Issues in Organizational Information Systems **(Track:
Organizational Systems and Technology)*

This is a call for papers that conceptually and/or empirically
investigate/analyze ethical issues related to Information Systems (IS)
within the context of organizations. The aim of this mini-track is not only
to create a forum solely to discuss the philosophical aspects of IS ethics,
but also to present ethical takes/analyses on multitude of IS issues that
have important implications for our organizations as sociopolitical
systems. Papers covering both normative and descriptive perspectives of
ethics are welcome. Both empirical and theoretical/conceptual papers are
called for. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

   - Ethical challenges in the design, development, and implementation of
   organizational IT.
   - Application of Aristotle’s virtue theory to organizations, especially
   in understanding how IT can develop organizational virtues.
   - Ethical analysis of organizational IS issues from classical (e.g.
   deontological and consequentialist perspectives) and contemporary ethical
   perspectives (e.g. postmodern perspectives; discourse ethics).
   - Unethical use of IS.
   - Ethical perspectives in IT-enabled knowledge management.
   - Ethical challenges/issues in business analytics and intelligence,
   including in areas such as data warehousing, big data, and social
   - Ethical considerations in IT-enabled organizational communication.
   - Ethical characteristics/beliefs/practices of IS practitioners/leaders.
   - Ethical issues related to IS Strategy, especially understanding how
   ethics can foster organizational innovation and performance, and the role
   IT plays in this regard.
   - Ethical organizational processes in IS development.
   - Ethical/unethical implications of new technologies (stress,
   information overload, etc.) in the workplace.
   - Developing IT Security from ethical viewpoints (e.g. based upon the
   works of philosophers such as Kant, Mill, and Aristotle)

*Mini-track Chair:*

 *Sutirtha Chatterjee *(primary contact)

Department of MET

Lee Business School

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

4505 S. Maryland Parkway

Las Vegas, Nevada 89154

Email: sutirtha.chatterjee at unlv.edu <Sutirtha.Chatterjee at unlv.edu> ;
suti.chatterjee at gmail.com
 <Sutirtha.Chatterjee at unlv.edu>

*Important Dates:*

   - *June 15:* Submit full manuscripts for review. Review is double-blind.
   - *Aug 15*: Review System emails Acceptance/Rejection Notices to authors.

*For more information, please visit the HICSS-48 website:**
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