[AISWorld] WISE 2014 Call for Submissions

Ravi Bapna rbapna at umn.edu
Fri Jul 18 13:25:48 EDT 2014

Workshop on Information Systems and Economics

December 17-19, 2014 at the University of Auckland Business School

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce that WISE 2014 website is ready for accepting
submissions starting July 23, 2014. The deadline for submissions is Monday,
September 15, 2014. Please visit wiseconf.org for all details.

The Workshop on Information Systems Economics (WISE) is the premier
invitational research forum for the discussion of information systems
issues through the lens of economics. We expect researchers at WISE 2014 to
bring forth their cutting-edge research that address salient business and
societal level questions at the intersections of big-data, business
analytics, social media, mobile marketing, wearable technologies,
digitization of social processes and the power of the crowds. These newer
IT enabled phenomenon have wide ranging impacts for consumers, firms,
industries, markets and societies, making this a fascinating time to be a
WISE researcher. WISE researchers use state-of-the-art methodologies
ranging from, but not limited to, analytical modeling, to reduced form and
structural econometric modeling approaches, and to randomized field
experiments to improve our understanding of a rapidly changing,
hyper-connected and digitized world.


Ravi Bapna (University of Minnesota), Ramnath Chellappa (Emory University),
Anindya Ghose (New York University), Jui Ramaprasad (McGill University),
Sarah Rice (Texas A&M University)

Visit wiseconf.org
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