[AISWorld] Data Mining Stream at the INFORMS Computing Society Conference (January 11-13, 2015)

Seref, Onur seref at vt.edu
Wed Jul 23 13:15:07 EDT 2014

Dear Colleagues,
I am organizing the Data Mining<http://www.seref.bit.vt.edu/ICS2015DataMiningStream.htm> Stream<http://www.seref.bit.vt.edu/ICS2015DataMiningStream.htm> at the INFORMS Computing Society Conference<https://sites.google.com/site/2015icsconference>, which will be held January 11-13, 2015 at the Omni Richmond Hotel in Richmond, Virginia. Detailed information about the conference can be found at:https://sites.google.com/site/2015icsconference. CFP for the Data Mining Stream can also be found at: http://www.seref.bit.vt.edu/ICS2015DataMiningStream.htm.
If you would like to organize a session or give a talk on any topic related, in a broad sense, to data mining, please send an email to me at seref at vt.edu<mailto:seref at vt.edu> together with the tentative title of the session you are planning to organize and/or the title of your talk.
Students can also consider submitting a poster for the conference. Financial support for registration and hotel is available for students who present posters at the conference. Students who wish to apply for travel support must submit an abstract to the ICS 2015 Student Poster Session Abstracts track on EasyChair<https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?key=13116280.45Y2vvpKJagOXOsn;timeout=1> by October 20, 2014, and indicate they wish to be considered for funding.
Best regards,
Onur Seref, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Business Information Technology / Virginia Tech
2060 Pamplin Hall (0235) Blacksburg, VA 24061
Phone: (540)231-7749 Fax: (540)231-3752

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