[AISWorld] Forum on World IT Project, Friday, Aug 8, 2014, 6 PM to 7:30 PM at AMCIS

Prashant Palvia pcpalvia at uncg.edu
Wed Jul 30 10:27:12 EDT 2014

FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 2014, 6:00 PM TO 7:30 PM

If you are a researcher from outside the U.S. and would like to participate
in this landmark research, please attend the open forum on “The World IT
Project”.  This groundbreaking research is likely to make a major imprint
on IS research for years to come. The World IT Project is designed to
examine important issues confronting IT employees, both staff and
management, in many countries of the world.  The proposed project requires
survey data collection from different countries, representing different
cultures, levels of economic growth, societal and religious beliefs, and
political systems.

More than forty countries from all parts of the globe will be targeted.
The project was initiated in 2013 and already 16 countries have been signed
up.  Typically one to three investigators will be assigned to each
country.  There are significant benefits to you in joining the project as
well as roles and responsibilities.

If you are interested, please let us know in advance that you will be
attending the session.  Simply send me an email. Representatives from the
project core team will be at the forum to provide an overview of the
project and answer questions.

In terms of scope, the project is akin to Hofstede’s research on culture
and the GLOBE project.  The project will examine organizational IT issues,
technology issues, and individual issues. Among organizational IT issues
are: IT strategic planning, IT-business alignment, business process
reengineering, security and privacy, and IT reliability and efficiency.
Technology issues include cloud computing, social media, ERP systems,
business intelligence, and big data, again to name just a few.  Individual
issues include job satisfaction, efficacy, and role ambiguity. Contextual
variables include such factors as the organizational structure and
strategy, organizational culture, IT occupational culture, and national
culture. For more information about the project, please refer to:

Palvia, P. “The World IT Project: A Program on International Research and
Call for Participation,” Journal of Global Information Technology
Management, Vol 16, No 2, April 2013, pp. 1-5.

For each targeted country, data will be collected from 10-15 IT employees
from 25-30 organizations, yielding a minimum sample size of 300. The direct
benefits to you from joining The World IT Project are the following:

* You get readymade instrument and procedures. Your main effort is in data
* You have access to the best expertise.
* You will have co-authorship in several publications. This will include
co-authorship using data from your country and co-authorship in comparative
studies that include your country.
* You will have international colleagues to collaborate with.
* There will be tremendous opportunities for growth

Your roles and responsibilities will include the following:
* Commit to the project and collect quality data in a timely manner.
* Assist in writing.
* Be responsive to project requests and deadlines.
* Attend an annual meeting of the group to discuss project progress and

The project core team members include:

Naveed Baqir, University of Delaware, USA, mnbaqir at udel.edu
Jaideep Ghosh, Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, India,
jghosh20770 at gmail.com
Tim Jacks, Southern Illinois State University Edwardsville, USA,
tjacks at siue.edu
Paul Licker, Oakland University, USA, licker at oakland.edu
Prashant Palvia, Project Leader, The University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, USA, pcpalvia at uncg.edu
Celia Romm Livermore, Wayne State University, USA, ak1667 at wayne.edu
Aykut Hamit Turan, Sakarya University, Turkey, aykut.turan at gmail.com
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