[AISWorld] CFP - NordiCloud 2014!

Ali Babar ali.babar at adelaide.edu.au
Thu Aug 7 23:25:52 EDT 2014


NordiCloud 2014: 3rd Nordic Symposium on Cloud Computing and Internet
November 12-13, 2014
KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
http://nordicloud.net<http://nordicloud.net/> <http://nordicloud.net/>

Cloud computing is an emerging computing paradigm, which promises to be a
major driver of business innovation by exploiting the technological
advances of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service
(PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). Like in other areas of the
world, Nordic countries have established several initiatives and networks
to promote cloud computing research and education. An increasing number of
companies from Nordic and Baltic regions have also started offering
different types of cloud services.

Given the increasing relevance of cloud computing, Nordic and Baltic
countries will greatly benefit from a network of excellence which aims to
strengthen the local and international collaboration for achieving
much-needed advances in both technical and socio-technical aspects of
cloud computing. This will provide an excellent opportunity to harness the
growing cloud computing knowledge and expertise to build an eco-system of
cloud computing competency in Nordic and Baltic regions.

The Nordic Symposium on Cloud Computing and Internet Technologies
(NordiCloud) aims to provide a forum for enhancing collaboration between
industrial and academic communities from Nordic and Baltic countries in
the area of cloud computing and Internet technologies. The symposium also
aims to provide a bridge between cloud computing researchers and
practitioners from Nordic and Baltic countries as well as other areas of
the world. The target audience of the symposium is researchers and
practitioners working on cloud computing or related research areas who are
interested in identifying, developing or building upon existing synergies.
The symposium will enable exchanging ideas and experiences as well as
discussing emerging research trends which could be of importance in the
context of future projects.


Submissions due: August 18, 2014
Notification: September 15, 2014
Camera-ready paper due: September 29, 2014
Early registration due: October 5, 2014
Late registration due: October 12, 2014
Symposium: November 12-13, 2014


NordiCloud seeks contributions on any topic related to cloud computing and
Internet technologies, including:
- Software engineering paradigms for cloud computing
- Programming paradigms for cloud computing
- Deployment and provisioning of cloud-based systems
- Monitoring and adaptation of cloud-based systems
- Evaluation of cloud-based systems
- Energy efficiency of cloud-based systems
- Mobile cloud computing
- Cloud-enabled Internet of Things
- Security and privacy in cloud computing
- Legal and social issues in cloud computing
- Economic and business perspectives on cloud computing
- Training and education programmes on cloud computing

NordiCloud seeks four types of papers for the peer-reviewed track:
- Full research papers and industrial experience reports (6-8 pages)
- Position papers (4-5 pages)
- Poster papers (1-2 pages)
- Abstract-only, for research project presentation

All contributions must be original, not published, accepted, or submitted
for publication elsewhere.
All papers will undergo a rigorous peer review process by three PC
members, and will be selected based on originality, quality, soundness,
and relevance.
All papers must conform to the ACM SIGs proceedings format and guidelines:
All papers should be submitted as PDF via the EasyChair submission system:


General Chair

Ã.ke Edlund, KTH/CSC/PDC, Sweden

Programme Chairs

Christian W Probst, Technical University of Denmark
Sasu Tarkoma , University of Helsinki, Finland

Steering Committee Coordinator

M. Ali Babar, University of Adelaide, Australia & IT University of
Copenhagen, Denmark.

Programme Committee

Ajith Abraham, Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs)
Arnor Solberg, SINTEF
Boris Novikov, St. Petersburg University
Dana Petcu, West University of Timisoara
Eila Ovaska, VTT
Ivan Porres, Ã.bo Akademi University
Johan Tordsson, Umeå University
Juan Manuel Murillo Rodríguez, University of Extremadura
M. Ali Babar, University of Adelaide, Australia
Parastoo Mohagheghi, NAV
Pekka Lehtovuori, CSC - IT Center for Science
Romain Rouvoy, University Lille 1 - Inria
Satish Srirama, Tartu University
Sebastien Mosser, University Nice-Sophia Antipolis, I3S (UMR CNRS 7271)
Sherif Sakr, The University of New South Wales
Simone Fischer-Hübner, Karlstad University
Sören Bleikertz, IBM Research Zurich
Tommi Mikkonen, Tampere University of Technology
Tommi Nyrönen, CSC - IT Center for Science
Vladimir Vlassov, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
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