[AISWorld] Call for Mini-Track Proposals - AMCIS 2015 Human Capital in Information Systems Track

Jim Denford Jim.Denford at rmc.ca
Thu Sep 25 08:36:29 EDT 2014

    We invite the submission of mini-track proposals to Human Capital in Information Systems track of the 21st Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2015), which will be held on August 13-15 August 2015 in Puerto Rico. AMCIS 2015 brings together academics and industry professionals around the world to exchange knowledge related to the AMCIS 2015 theme, Blue Ocean Research. http://amcis2015.aisnet.org
    The Human Capital in Information Systems track is aimed at fostering a forum for IS scholars engage in a range of human capital related research including IS leadership, professional services and career development/training in organizations ranging from small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to Fortune 500 companies to the public sector.

    Specific objectives of the track are to allow members to share their research, engage in exchange of perspectives, and encourage future collaborations. The track is sponsored by the AIS Special Interest Group on IS Leadership (SIGLead), but academic or practitioner can submit a mini-track proposal. Mini-tracks will be sought to cover the range of the track interest and authors will be encouraged to submit both conceptual and empirical papers that employ a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Minitrack proposals can cover the gamut of Human Capital in Information Systems topics and can include, but are not limited to, the following:

IS Leadership
·  CIO and CTO leadership including TMT integration, influence and leadership styles
·  Impact of the both technical and non-technical executives on organizational effectiveness
·  Effect of the board of directors and shareholders on IT policy and management
·  Impacts of having IS as a secondary role in SME leadership

Career Development

·  CIO and CTO roles and careers
·  Career streams and professional development of technical managers and staff
·  Preparation and development of non-technical executives for CIO and CTO positions in large enterprises and for

IS as a secondary role in SMEs

Professional Services
· Service providers or advisors to the CIO or small business owner (e.g. consultants)
· In-sourcing and out-sourcing decisions and impacts
· Relationship management between IS departments and consultants

    Minitrack chairs will be responsible for a) promoting their minitrack to generate manuscript submissions to AMCIS 2015; b) soliciting and assigning reviewers for manuscripts submitted to the minitrack; and c) making recommendations to track chairs about each manuscript submitted to the minitrack. To submit a minitrack proposal, you must submit a) minitrack chairs (names, emails, affiliation); b) minitrack title; c) short description of minitrack for the AMCIS 2014 website (up to 150 words); d) call for papers for your minitrack. To submit a minitrack proposal, please submit by email it to one of the track co-chairs (at gregdawson1 at gmail.com<mailto:gregdawson1 at gmail.com> or jim.denford at rmc.ca<mailto:jim.denford at rmc.ca>) cc the program coordinators (amcis2015prog at ucf.edu<mailto:amcis2015prog at ucf.edu>).

Important Dates:
September 29, 2014: Minitrack proposals due
October 13, 2015: Minitrack decisions from track co-chairs due
January 5, 2015: Manuscript submissions for AMCIS 2015 begin
February 25, 2015: AMCIS manuscript submissions closes for authors
May 5, 2015: Final decisions on AMCIS 2015 program are made

Track Co-chairs:
Jim Denford, Royal Military College of Canada, jim.denford at rmc.ca<mailto:jim.denford at rmc.ca>
Greg Dawson, Arizona State University, gregdawson1 at gmail.com<mailto:gregdawson1 at gmail.com>

James S. Denford, MBA, PhD
Assistant Professor and Head, Management & Economics Department | Professeur adjoint et directeur, Département de gestion et économie
Royal Military College of Canada | Collège militaire royal du Canada
PO Box 17000 Stn Forces | CP 17000 Succ Forces
Kingston, Ontario, K7K 7B4
Email | courriel: james.denford at forces.gc.ca, jim.denford at rmc.ca
Telephone | Téléphone: 613-541-6000 ext 6970
Facsimile | Télécopieur: 613-541-6315
Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada
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