[AISWorld] <Final Call> ICEB 2014 Taipei & Journal Workshop (Submit by 10/13)

Eldon Y. Li eli at nccu.edu.tw
Sat Oct 4 03:23:56 EDT 2014

*The Fourteenth International Conference on Electronic Business **(ICEB)*
*in conjunction with*

*The First Global Conference on Internet & Information Systems (GCIIS)*


December 8 - 12, 2014

Imperial Hotel Taipei <http://www.imperialhotel.com.tw/en-us/>, Taipei, 

*** Final Chance *** Submit by OCT 13 (Monday) ***

*Paper Submission:*  https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iceb2014

Format Template and Instructions for Submission 

The 2nd ICEB-Journals Joint Author Workshop, ICEB-JJAW 
<http://www.cob.calpoly.edu/%7Eeli/ICEB-JJAW-2014/>(Submit by OCT 13, 2014)

*ICEB Home:***http://www.icebnet.org/

*Conference Website:*http://www.icebnet.org/2014*/* 

Previously published Special Issues/Sections 
& Management, International Journal of Service Industry Management, 
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Journal of Global 
Information Management, and Quarterly Journal of Electronic Commerce./


*Keynote Speakers:*


/*Vladimir Zwass <http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=9828>*/*
The Gregory Olsen Endowed Chair in Mathematics, Science and Engineering
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Editor-in-Chief,/Journal of Management Information Systems/and
/International Journal of Electronic Commerce/*


/*Patrick Y.K. Chau <http://www.fbe.hku.hk/%7Epchau/webpage/>*/*
Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management
Director of School of Business
University of Hong Kong
Editor-in-Chief,/Information & Management/*


*_Call for Papers_*

/*Theme: "*/Creating Business Values through Innovations in Cloud Services"

With the rapid evolution of technology, the occurrence of cloud services 
has created substantial additional service value, increasing the level 
of human life quality. It has brought about significant changes in 
modern business paradigms and practices.

Cloud computing effectively reduces operational costs and risks. Due to 
its flexibility and automation of infrastructure, cloud computing 
shortens the time of data transmission. By doing so, it optimizes the 
costs of carrying information resources and accelerates the speed of new 
product development. These advantages have major positive impact on 
creating service innovations in enterprises.

Meanwhile, Internet technologies provide customers with the ability of 
performing business functions any time any place due to their maturity 
and improved bandwidth. Recently, customers' demands in service 
industries have constantly been rising, making innovation in services a 
critical issue for today's businesses. In the new value chain, service 
innovation is regarded as the key capability for creating business 
value. To increase value under such circumstances, making optimal 
decisions in the process of service innovation is a must.

The purpose of this conference is to provide a forum to discuss decision 
making in current service innovation and design practices that exist in 
cloud computing. The participants will also share their suggestions and 
insights regarding the future researches and applications.

*Conference Tracks*

1.Cloud Services and Management

2.Computer and Network Security

3.Consumer Behavior

4.Customer Relationship Management

5.Data Mining and Business Intelligence

6.Electronic Business

7.ERP and Operations Management

8.Information and Business Ethics

9.Information Security and Privacy

10.Internet & E-Business

11.Knowledge Network and Management

12.Management & Organizational Behavior

13.Marketing Theory, Models and Application

14.Media Communications and Advertising

15.MIS/DSS/AI/Expert Systems

16.Personalized Ubiquitous E-Service

17.Other related topics


International Consortium of Electronic Business

Taiwan Chapter of Association for Information Systems

Department of Management Information Systems, NationalChengchiUniversity

Center for Industrial Network and Technology-Enabled Services


International Journal of Electronic Business (IJEB)

International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS)

International Journal of Information Systems and Management (IJISAM)

International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management (IJIEM)

International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising (IJIMA)

*Conference Chair*

Eldon Y. Li <http://www.calpoly.edu/%7Eeli>, NationalChengchiUniversity 


OCT 13: Deadline for submitting papers or abstracts
OCT 17: Notification of acceptance for Conference and Author Workshop
OCT 22: Camera-ready papers and last day of early-bird registration
OCT 25: Program schedule announcement
NOV 20: Last day of regular registration
DEC 11: Last day of late registration
DEC 8: Workshop commences at 12:00pm

*Invitation Letter for Visa Application*

Registrants who need an invitation letter, please contact the Conference 
Chair by email: eli[at]nccu.edu.tw

*Journal Special Issues*

Authors of high-quality papers selected from the conference proceedings 
will be invited to submit the revised and expanded version of their 
papers for fast-track reviews by the following journals.

  * Special section in/Information & Management/
    in SSCI
  * Special section in/International Journal of Electronic Commerce/
    <http://www.gvsu.edu/business/ijec/>/(IJEC)/listed in SSCI
  * Special issue in/International Journal of Electronic Business/
    <http://www.inderscience.com/ijeb/>/(IJEB)/listed in EI
  * Special issue in/International Journal of Information and Computer
    Security/ <http://www.inderscience.com/ijics/>/(IJICS)/listed in EI
  * Special issue in/International Journal of Information Systems and
    Management/ <http://www.inderscience.com/ijisam/>/(IJISAM)/new in 2014
  * Special issue in/International Journal of Internet and Enterprise
    Management/ <http://www.inderscience.com/ijiem/>/(IJIEM)/listed in EI
  * Special issue in/International Journal of Internet Marketing and
    Advertising/ <http://www.inderscience.com/ijima/>/(IJIMA)/listed in EI
  * Special issue in/MIS Review: An International Journal/
    <http://www.icebnet.org/misr/>/(MISR)/listed in EBSCO

*The 2nd ICEB-Journals Joint Author Workshop*

Authors of high-quality papers selected from the conference proceedings 
will be invited to attend this workshop for preparing their papers to 
submit to fast-track reviews by the sponsoring journals. Please 

*Contact Detail*

For more information about the conference, please contact:

Mr. Larry Chang, Conference Secretariat of14^th ICEB & 1^st GCIIS
Department of Management Information Systems
Tel: +886-2-2939-3091 ext 85005 or 85006
Fax: +886-2-2938-7684

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