[AISWorld] Call for Papers - 16th Annual GITMA Conference in St. Louis!

Lakshmi Iyer lsiyer at uncg.edu
Thu Oct 23 12:38:55 EDT 2014

*GITMA 2015 Call For Papers*

Sixteenth Annual Global Information Technology Management Association World
Conference 2015

St. Louis, Missouri, USA

June 21-23, 2015

This year’s GITMA conference promises to be the best ever with many *new
exciting additions to our program* including:

* four journal-sponsored tracks

* an innovative, immersive writing workshop

* vendor exhibits

* job placement opportunities

* many new tracks listed below!

The location will be the beautiful Hyatt Regency Hotel in St. Louis with a
spectacular view of the Arch.

New to GITMA? Feel lost at larger conferences? If you’ve never been to a
GITMA conference, this is a perfect opportunity to meet fellow researchers
in a supportive environment. Past keynote speakers have included Dr. Paul
Pavlou, Dr. Allen Lee, Dr. Carol Saunders, and Dr. Varun Grover. We invite
you to become part of the GITMA family by submitting your paper,
work-in-progress, panel, or workshop today. Simply visit www.gitma.org for
the latest details. You can also submit your work directly at:

This conference provides a unique opportunity to all IT educators,
researchers, and practitioners from all countries to get together to
network, develop lasting relationships, and exchange ideas. The clear
strength is the international participation from educators, researchers,
and practitioners from every part of the world. While submissions are
traditionally in the area of Global IT Management, submissions are not
limited to global studies. What makes GITMA truly global is its people!

*Opportunities for Journal Publication*

Papers judged as high quality by the reviewers will be further considered
for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information
Technology Management (JGITM), Journal of Information Technology Cases &
Applications Research (JITCAR), Journal of Information Privacy and Security
(JIPS), and International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching
Technologies (IJWLTT).

Note: Full and short papers accepted at GITMA 2015 will be submitted for
indexing by ISI and SCOPUS after review and revisions. ISSN# for GITMA is

Sponsorships opportunities are detailed at www.gitma.org.

*SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2014*


Please set your Word file as follows: A4 or US Letter size with 2.54 cm
margins (top, bottom, right, left); main text should be Times New Roman 12
pt, double spaced. Proposal length should be as follows: Full Paper (~20-25
pages), Extended Abstract or Work-in-Progress (~2-4 pages), Panel or
Workshop Proposal (~1-2 pages). Papers will be peer-reviewed by a
double-blind system.

For questions, please don’t hesitate to contact:

Program Chair: Dr. Tim Jacks, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
tjacks at siue.edu


Conference Chair: Dr. Lakshmi Iyer, University of North Carolina at
Greensboro, lsiyer at uncg.edu


(detailed track descriptions at www.gitma.org)

* Journal of Global IT Management (JGITM) Mini-track

* Journal of Information Technology Case and Application Research (JITCAR)

* Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS) Mini-track

* International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies
(IJWLTT) Mini-track

* IS Enabling Open Innovation

* Information Technology in Asia

* IT in Emerging Economies

* IT for Social Benefit in Developing Countries

* Cross Cultural Issues in International IT Deployment

* Global Electronic Commerce

* Global IT Innovation

* Strategic Applications of Global Information Systems

* Health Information Systems IT

* Leadership and IT

* Creating Value from Social Media

* Enterprise IT Management

* E-governance

* Mobile IT

* Diversity & Inclusion in the IT Workforce

* Global Big Data

* Writing Workshop

* Doctoral Consortium

* Job Placement

Hope to see you in St. Louis!


Tim Jacks and Lakshmi Iyer

Program and Conference Chairs 2015 GITMA Conference

Lakshmi S. Iyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Information Systems Graduate Programs Director
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Email: Lsiyer at uncg.edu; Phone: 336/334-4984; Fax: 336/334-5580
URL: http://lsiyer.wp.uncg.edu/
*Women in IT - http://wiit.uncg.edu <http://wiit.uncg.edu>*,
www.facebook.com/wemakeIT <http://www.facebook.com/wemakeit>
Global IT conference <http://www.gitma.org>;  AMCIS 2015
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