[AISWorld] A Second Reminder - ISAHI Annual Breakfast Meeting at ICIS 2014 to be held on 16 December 2014

Patrick Y.K. CHAU pchau at business.hku.hk
Tue Nov 18 21:42:41 EST 2014


Now I have confirmed the details of the forthcoming ISAHI Annual Breakfast
Meeting to be held on 16 December 2014 at ICIS 2014. 


The breakfast meeting will commence at 7:30 am in a room within the
conference venue (with the exact room to be confirmed by the ICIS
Secretariat nearer the time). There will be three topics/items to be
discussed in the meeting.  They are:


1.     Attracting Quality Applications for PhD Programs in IS" by Lakshmi
Lyer of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

2.     "AIS-Temple IS job Index" by Munir Mandviwalla of Temple University

3.     "AIS College of Academic Leadership" by me, Richard Baskerville of
Georgia State University and Pete Tinsley, Executive Director of AIS
Administrative Office. 


The discussion will commence at around 8 am and each topic/item will take
15-20 minutes.


Given the first topic is on PhD programs in IS, all PhD Program Directors
are welcome to join this breakfast meeting to share your experiences with
the attendees.


Courtesy of three sponsoring schools, Georgia State University, The
University of Georgia and The University of Memphis, the  breakfast is
provided free of charge.


This is the second, and probably the last, reminder.  Please email me at
<mailto:Pchau at business.hku.hk> Pchau at business.hku.hk to register if you are
interested in attending. 



From: Patrick Y.K. CHAU [mailto:pchau at business.hku.hk] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2014 4:38 PM
To: aisworld at lists.aisnet.org
Cc: pchau at business.hku.hk
Subject: ISAHI Annual Breakfast Meeting at ICIS 2014 to be held on 16
December 2014
Importance: High


The Information Systems Academic Heads International (ISAHI) is pleased to
announce to host the annual breakfast meeting on 16 December 2014 at ICIS
2014 in Auckland, New Zealand.  The meeting is open to IS department heads
and IS leaders who are members of the AIS and lead research and teaching
programs at their respective schools. Breakfast is provided - courtesy of
sponsoring schools. Given that ISAHI has more than 150 members and there is
a room-size constraint, prior registration is recommended - please email
Pchau at business.hku.hk to register.

Short presentations of topics that are interested to IS department heads and
leaders followed by a discussion among the attendees are welcomed.  Those
interested in doing such presentations are encouraged to note their interest
in their registration email.  


In this year's meeting, we will also review and hopefully approve a set of
bylaws for the establishment of the College of Academic Leadership, which is
a new type of entity approved by the AIS Council at its June meeting earlier
this year. It is with the intention that with the approval of the bylaws,
the ISAHI will change to be the College of Academic Leadership.



Patrick Y.K. CHAU, PhD, FAIS

President, ISAHI

Director of the School of Business

Padma and Hari Harilela Professor in Strategic Information Management

Faculty of Business and Economics

The University of Hong Kong

T: (+852) 3917-1025

F: (+852) 2858-5614

E-mail: Pchau at business.hku.hk




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