[AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2015 Mini-track: Innovative Approaches to Electronic Medical/Health Records in Healthcare Practices

Sankara Srinivasan srinsank at isu.edu
Tue Feb 3 19:15:38 EST 2015


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On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 3:15 PM, Sankaranarayanan, Balaji <sankarab at uww.edu>

> AMCIS 2015 Mini-track CFP: Innovative Approaches to Electronic Medical/Health Records in Healthcare Practices
> Track: Innovations in Healthcare IS
> Peurto Rico, August 13-15, 2015
> Electronic Medical/Health Records (EMRs/EHRs) are a critical component of the American health-care system, supporting doctor-patient interactions by providing instant access to a variety of documents such as historical record of past treatments and conditions, patient billing, disputes and legal inquiries. The use of EMRs/EHRs faces distinctive challenges in large and small hospital settings alike, despite the many novel approaches adapted by these organizations for its design and implementation. Notably, vendors offer many EMR/EHR offerings depending on the type of practice; however anecdotal evidence points out that implementing these solutions has been fraught with serious challenges in terms of delivering meaningful use. These differences highlight the need for in-depth multi-level examination of how large, ambulatory and smaller healthcare practices innovate in the design and use of EMR/EHR systems.
> The focus of this mini-track is on research on EMRs/EHRs in healthcare practices of various types such as large, ambulatory and smaller practices, that furthers our understanding of (1) Innovations in systems, processes and strategies for implementing EMR/EHR (2) New initiatives in electronic exchange of healthcare information among different stakeholders, (3) Innovative approaches to integration of mobile devices and medical devices with healthcare systems 4) Novel approaches to security and privacy issue associated with EMR/EHR in healthcare organizations.
> The mini-track is open to broad survey articles, case studies, conceptual papers, descriptive reports, focused research issues analyzed using a variety of tools and empirical methodologies including, but not limited to survey, experimental design, workflow and other forms of business process modeling, interviews, content analysis, and various qualitative approaches. You are welcome to submit work that is not fully completed as long as the importance of the problem is well-established, paper is well articulated and fits with the themes of the research track. However, completed research will receive precedence.
> Suggested Topics
> The topics that characterize this mini-track are:
> *         Innovative approaches to the implementation of EMR/EHR systems in healthcare practices
> *         Novel designs and approaches to the interconnectivity and information sharing between EMR/EHR systems across practices and hospitals
> *         Innovation in healthcare process through EMR/EHR systems
> *         Implementing electronic prescribing and practice management systems by healthcare providers
> *         Work flow redesign and innovation in  healthcare practices
> *         Achieving meaningful use by healthcare  providers
> *         New initiatives in Health Information Exchanges
> *         Challenges and issues of sharing electronic health information among different stakeholders
> *         New techniques in enhancing security and privacy in electronic exchange of healthcare information
> *         Novel approaches to integration of Medical Devices (such as Vital signs monitor, EKG and ECG machines etc.) with EMR/EHR systems
> *         Disruptive technologies such as e-health enabled devices (smart phones, tablet PCs, iPads etc.) and EMR/EHR systems
> *         New approaches to handling mobile personal health records
> Submit your manuscript before 2pm February 25, 2015 at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2015
> For submission guidelines, please refer to:  http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/submission-guidelines
> For general information on AMCIS 2015:  http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/
> Track website: http://amcis2015.aisnet.org/2-uncategorised/36-innovations-in-healthcare-is-sighealth-track
> Important dates:
> February 25, 2015            Submission Deadline
> April 21, 2015                  Author Notification
> April 28, 2015                  Camera Ready Submission Deadline
> Dr. C. Ranganathan                          Dr. Balaji Sankaranarayanan                     Dr. Gary David
> University of Illinois at Chicago    University of Wisconsin-Whitewater             Bentley University
> Email: ranga at uic.edu<mailto:ranga at uic.edu>                         E-mail: sankarab at uww.edu<mailto:sankarab at uww.edu>                          E-mail: gdavid at bentley.edu<mailto:gdavid at bentley.edu>
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