[AISWorld] Call For Dissertation Proposals ECIS DC 2015 - Submission Deadline: February 8th, 2015 (EXTENSION)  

Helmut Krcmar krcmar at in.tum.de
Tue Feb 3 11:14:29 EST 2015

Call For Dissertation Proposals ECIS DC 2015 - Submission Deadline: 
February 8th, 2015 (EXTENSION)
We like to invite you to participate in the ECIS 2015 Doctoral Consortium 
in Twente, Netherlands. The submission deadline has been extended to 
February 8th, 2015.
Please consider to contribute to and/or forward to the appropriate groups 
the following opportunity to submit dissertation proposal papers.
The ECIS 2015 Doctoral Consortium will take place prior to the conference 
from Saturday (noon), May 23rd, 2015 to midday Monday, May 25th, 2015. The 
ECIS Doctoral Consortium aims to facilitate a collegial and affirmative 
environment where doctoral students currently working on dissertations in 
the area of Information Systems can share their work and receive 
constructive feedback.
The Doctoral Consortium Committee invites nominations to the consortium. 
Eligible candidates must be currently enrolled in a University within AIS 
Area 2 (Europe, Africa and the Middle East). Each University can nominate 
only one candidate and must guarantee proper funding for the student to 
attend the doctoral consortium as well as the main conference. Room and 
board at the consortium are provided courtesy of ECIS 2015 and the 
conference sponsors.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: February 8th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: March 21st, 2015
Consortium: May 23-25th, 2015 (Saturday till Monday)
For more information please visit: http://ecis2015.eu/doctoral-consortium
Looking forward to meeting you in Twente!
Best regards

Al Hevner  and  Helmut Krcmar 
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