[AISWorld] Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards 2015

Sue Nugus sue at academic-conferences.org
Thu Feb 26 09:26:55 EST 2015


This is a note to remind you that the call for entries to the Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Excellence Awards 2015 closes on 12 March.

The competition is being run in conjunction with the 16th European Conference on Knowledge Management which is being held in Udine, Italy on 2-3 September 2015.

To enter the competition we ask you in the first instance to submit an abstract of up to 300 words using the online submission form describing the work you wish to draw to our attention to. We welcome contributions from academics, business professionals and students. Examples of the use of KM and/or IC within a university are also welcome.

If your proposal is suitable we will invite you to submit a full case history of no more than 3000 words which will be considered as an entry to the competition. A panel of international adjudicators will evaluate the case histories.

Competitors who go through to the final round will be required to register for the conference and send at least one author to attend to present the case and to take part in a presentation and award ceremony.

We are also planning on publishing a book which will contain the best submissions to the competition.

Important links:

Submit an abstract


Read more about the competition


Read more about the conference


Kind Regards

Sue Nugus
Conferences Director
sue at academic-conferences.org<mailto:sue at academic-conferences.org>
Tel: +44 (0) 118 972 4148
Follow me on Twitter<https://twitter.com/#!/suenugus>
Connect with me on LinkedIn<http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/sue-nugus/7/616/1b4>

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