[AISWorld] CFP EJIS Special Issue on Security/Privacy

Professor Paul Benjamin LOWRY paul.lowry.phd at gmail.com
Sun Mar 22 07:01:40 EDT 2015

Call for Papers: European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS) Special
Issue on Security and Privacy in 21st Century Organisations 


Special Issue Editors:


Paul Benjamin Lowry, City University of Hong Kong, China,
Paul.Lowry.PhD at gmail.com 

Tamara Dinev, Florida Atlantic University, tdinev at fau.edu 

Robert Willison, Newcastle University, UK, robert.willison at newcastle.ac.uk 


Special Issue Senior Advisory Board:


France Belanger, Virginia Tech

Izak Benbasat, UBC

Susan A. Brown, U. of Arizona

Mary Culnan, Bentley University

Dennis Galletta, U. of Pittsburgh

Joey George, Iowa State U.

Paul Pavlou, Temple University

H.R. Rao, SUNY-Buffalo

Jeff Smith, Miami University

Detmar Straub, Georgia State U.


For the full details on this special issue call, please see the following:


General dates:

.             Initial CFP and solicitation of manuscripts: February 20, 2015
to December 31, 2015

.             EJIS submission system open for submissions: January 1, 2016
to January 31, 2016

.             Screening decisions / send out to AEs and reviewers: February
01, 2016 to April 30, 2016

.             Decisions on revisions / rejections from 1st round: May 15,
2016 to August 01, 2016

.             Due date for authors to submit 2nd round of revisions:
November 01, 2016

.             Decision on revisions / rejections from 2nd round: November
15, 2016 to February 01, 2017

.             Due date for authors to submit 3rd round of revisions (should
only be minor / moderate, no major revisions at this point to make SI):
March 01, 2017

.             Final publishing decisions, hand-off to publisher for proofs
processing: May 30, 2017


This special issue welcomes design science, empirical, managerial,
behavioural, and theoretical submissions across a diverse range of topics.
Data or analysis need not be at the organizational-level, but the context
must substantially deal with organizations. We invite theoretical
perspectives from behavioural, organizational, cognitive, cultural,
socio-technical, human-computer interaction, design science, or other
similar lenses. However, we cannot accommodate studies largely grounded in
economics, mathematics/algorithms, neuroscience, computer science, or
mathematical modelling.


Questions? Please contact Paul, Tamara, or Robert.


Again, full details can be found at:


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