[AISWorld] March 2015 Issue of EJIS (European Journal of IS)

Pär Ågerfalk par.agerfalk at im.uu.se
Fri Mar 27 03:43:31 EDT 2015

Dear all,

I would like to bring your attention to the march 2015 issue of EJIS, a special issue on Information System Integration in Mergers and Acquisitions. Guest co-editors Jonas Hedman and Suprateek Sarker have selected five highly inspirational articles that we are sure you will enjoy.

Please note that our publisher, Palgrave Macmillan is offering free access to EJIS throughout march.


Information system integration in mergers and acquisitions: research ahead
Jonas Hedman and Suprateek Sarker

Learning to acquire: how serial acquirers build organisational knowledge for information systems integration
Stefan Henningsson

When IT capabilities are not scale-free in merger and acquisition integrations: how do capital markets react to IT capability asymmetries between acquirer and target?
Hüseyin Tanriverdi and Vahap Bülent Uysal

The roles of contextual elements in post-merger common platform development: an empirical investigation
Radhika P Jain and Balasubramaniam Ramesh

Discovery paths: exploring emergence and IT evolutionary design in cross-border M&As. Analysing grupo Santander’s acquisition of abbey (2004–2009)
Javier Busquets

Knowledge-acquisitions and post-acquisition innovation performance: a comparative hazards model
Pratim Datta and Yaman Roumani

Discovery paths: exploring emergence and IT evolutionary design in cross-border M&As. Analysing Grupo Santander’s acquisition of Abbey (2004–2009)
Javier Busquets

On behalf of the EJIS editors,
Dov Te’eni, Par Agerfalk and Frantz Rowe

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