[AISWorld] 17th HILTI Fellowship Program / Call for Applications

vom Brocke Jan jan.vom.brocke at uni.li
Tue Jun 30 12:03:12 EDT 2015

Dear Colleagues

May I kindly ask you to forward this e-mail to your students in order to share this opportunity? The program is also very suitable to pursue a thesis in an international business context.

Applications are open til October 15 2015.

Thank you very much!

Kind regards
Jan vom Brocke


STUDENTS: Spend Your Summer Term 2016 Abroad – Apply for the Hilti Fellowship Program
Application Deadline: October 15, 2015

Hilti awards the most talented Master students in Information Systems, IT, and Management from Europe with a truly unique fellowship program: The Hilti Fellowship is a combination of practical training at Hilti and academic learning at the University of Liechtenstein, designed to set the cornerstone for a successful future. As such, it combines a stay abroad with a challenging work experience, and the possibility to continue and deepen your Master studies at the same time:

You are invited to come to the Principality of Liechtenstein and spend five months in the beautiful alpine region of the Rhine Valley for both project work at Hilti and your Master studies at the University.

Hilti offers you the possibility to be part of an international project team in the field of global IT, Business Process Management and Data Science.

You will be appointed for a position in the international Master program in Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein allowing you to continue your studies. You may want to chose writing your master thesis in the field of your Hilti project.

Students from various backgrounds have already taken part in the program, which is now being organized for the 17th time in a row, including students from the University of Muenster, the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, the University of Koblenz-Landau, the LUISS University in Rome, the University of Turku, and the University of Verona. The selection follows a competitive review and assessment process. The program also addresses students who will finish their Bachelor studies in the near future and plan to enter an international Master program the next summer term. Also PhD students have already been awarded within the program.

- Donation: 13.000 CHF per student
- Applicant profile: Master students in Information Systems, IT, and Management; Bachelor students in their last year; PhD students
- Term: Summer 2016; February 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016; Application due: October 15, 2015.


The Master of Science in Information Systems at the University of Liechtenstein is unique program with majors in Business Process Management and Data Science. With its strong focus on digital innovation, attractive tuition fees, rigorous scientific training, and excellent career opportunities, the program attracts an international student body from around the world. Scholarships are available for exceptional applicants. Also see: www.uni.li/master-information-systems

The University of Liechtenstein is a state university according to Swiss standards. With over 50 years of tradition the institution has established excellent relations to industry. The IS department is home to more than 20 IS researchers including 6 professors and renowned international visiting staff. Members of the institute have published in international top journals including MISQ, JAIS, JIT, or JMIS. Also see: www.uni.li/is

Liechtenstein is a prosperous economic area in the heart of Europe. The micro state is home to people from over 100 nationalities, and the country has one of the highest gross domestic products per capita worldwide. It has a diversified economy focusing on both product and service innovation. You will find headquarters from world leading international companies as well as a lively scene of start-up companies. Also see: www.liechtenstein.li

Please feel free to contact me on any related questions (jan.vom.brocke at uni.li).

Professor Dr. Jan vom Brocke
Hilti Chair of Business Process Management
Director of the Institute of Information Systems
University of Liechtenstein

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