[AISWorld] Call for Papers: Collective Intelligence Conference - June 1-3, 2016 at New York University

Natalia Levina nlevina at stern.nyu.edu
Tue Nov 17 17:04:43 EST 2015

Call for Papers (Extended Abstracts)

Collective Intelligence 2016 <https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/collective-intelligence-conference/home>

June 1-3, 2016
New York University, New York, NY

The annual interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers from the academy, businesses, non-profits, governments and the world at large to share insights and ideas from a variety of fields relevant to understanding and designing collective intelligence in its many forms.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
human computation
social computing
wisdom of crowds (e.g., prediction markets)
group memory and extended cognition
collective decision making and problem-solving
participatory and deliberative democracy
animal collective behavior
organizational design and strategy
public policy design (e.g., regulatory reform)
ethics of collective intelligence (e.g., "digital sweatshops")
computational models of group search and optimization
emergence and evolution of intelligence
new technologies for making groups smarter

Submissions of two types are invited:
Reports of original results
Demonstrations of tools/technology

All submissions should be formatted as four-page extended abstracts (up to 3 pages for content and 1 page for references).
LaTex template: ci2016-sample-latex <https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/collective-intelligence-conference/ci2016-sample-latex.zip?attredirects=0>
Word template: ci2016-sample-word <https://sites.google.com/a/stern.nyu.edu/collective-intelligence-conference/ci2016-sample-word.zip?attredirects=0>All submission should be converted to PDF at the time of submission. Please click here to submit your the document: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ci20160 <https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ci20160>

In order to encourage a diversity of innovative ideas from a variety of fields, submissions may refer to work that is recently published, under review elsewhere, or in preparation, and may link to up to one publicly accessible paper for the purpose of describing the work in detail. However, submissions will be evaluated solely on the submitted abstract, which must therefore comprise an entirely self-contained description of the work.

After review by the Program Committee, a subset of submitted abstracts will be invited for oral presentation with additional presentation as posters and/or demos. A second subset will also be invited exclusively for presentation as posters and/or demos.

Authors will not receive detailed feedback from the review process, just an accept/reject decision. The main criteria will be: 1) whether the subject matter is a good fit for the Collective Intelligence conference; 2) whether there are interesting claims made with a promise to present evidence or non-obvious arguments in support of them. The review committee will not assess the validity of the evidence or arguments.

Accepted submissions will be compiled into a single report which will be made available to conference participants. We emphasize that abstracts that are distributed to conference participants are not intended to be considered archival publications or to preclude submission of the reported work to archival journals; however, we cannot guarantee that certain journals do not have policies precluding the distribution of extended abstracts. Accepted abstracts will be included as submitted (i.e., submissions should be camera-ready).

If your abstract is accepted for presentation or poster session, at least one author has to commit to attending the conference.

Please check out prior programs and proceedings to learn more about the Collective Intelligence conference and academic community:
Collective Intelligence Conference Proceedings, MIT, 2012 <http://arxiv.org/html/1204.2991>
Collective Intelligence Conference Proceedings, MIT, 2014 <http://collective.mech.northwestern.edu/?page_id=217>
Collective Intelligence Conference Program, Santa Clara, 2015 <https://sites.lsa.umich.edu/collectiveintelligence/schedule/>


Abstract submission deadline  |   February 8, 2016 Midnight PST
Program Announcement  |  March 1st, 2016

Conference Chair 
Natalia Levina <http://www.stern.nyu.edu/faculty/bio/natalia-levina> (NYU Stern School of Business)

Program Chairs  
Karim Lakhani <http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=240491> (Harvard Business School)
Paul Resnick <https://www.si.umich.edu/people/paul-resnick> (University of Michigan)

Program Committee Members
Anita Woolley <http://tepper.cmu.edu/our-faculty-and-research/about-our-faculty/faculty-profiles/awoolley/williams-woolley-anita> (Carnegie Mellon University)
Siobhan O’Mahony <http://questromapps.bu.edu/mgmt_new/profiles/O%27MahonySiobhan.html> (Boston University)
Walter Lasecki <http://web.eecs.umich.edu/%7Ewlasecki/index.html> (University of Michigan)
Yiling Chen <http://yiling.seas.harvard.edu/> (Harvard University)
Emmanouil Gkeredakis <http://www.wbs.ac.uk/about/person/emmanouil-gkeredakis> (Warwick Business School)
Sinan Aral <https://mitsloan.mit.edu/faculty/detail.php?in_spseqno=19289> (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Lada Adamic <https://research.facebook.com/researchers/1471283266479125/lada-adamic/> (Facebook)
Christopher Chabris <http://www.chabris.com/> (Union College)
Iain Couzin <http://icouzin.princeton.edu/> (Princeton University)

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