[AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2016 – Mini-track on Replications of Collaboration Research

Fuller, Robert Mark rfuller2 at utk.edu
Thu Jan 14 14:50:14 EST 2016

**Call for Papers: AMCIS 2016 Mini-track Replications of Collaboration Research**

We invite submissions to the Replications of Collaboration Research mini-track within the Replication Research track for AMCIS 2016.

This mini-track invites research that reports on replications of collaboration research. Collaboration research encompasses studies that are focused on dyads, teams, virtual worlds, and online social networks – essentially everything where two or more people leverage technology for interactions.

Replication is the key to building a cumulative research tradition. When results are replicated, we have evidence in support of a theory; when results do not replicate, we obtain insights into the boundary conditions of theories or possibly nuances in the research process that lead to different results. In any event, we can begin to address issues associated with the conflicting results that are reported across different studies.

Some topics in collaboration research that have had conflicting or equivocal results in prior research, and would be of particular interest for replication, include the effects of:

- Trust, training style, leadership style, and experience on performance

- Technology affordances and communication style on performance and affect

- Cultural characteristics on choice, use, performance, and affect

- Individual characteristics (e.g., playfulness, personality) on performance and satisfaction

In addition, research has only begun to examine issues associated with social media use, such as:

- Commitment to and participation in forums

- Outcomes associated with forum participation (e.g., medical/health-care forums and health outcomes)

- Civility (or incivility) in social media interactions

It does not matter how old or new the study, if it has been published, it can be replicated. All forms of replication -- exact, methodological, and conceptual -- are invited.  Selected papers will be fast-tracked for publication in AIS Transactions on Replication Research.

**Submission Deadline** March 2, 2016 at 10:00am PST

Submission portal: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2016

For additional information, contact the mini-track chairs:

Sue Brown, University of Arizona, suebrown at eller.arizona.edu

Robert Fuller, University of Tennessee, rfuller2 at utk.edu

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