[AISWorld] Call for Article Proposals - IoT Data Management and Analytics, Cutter IT Journal, Submissions Due: 26 Feb 2016

San Murugesan san at computer.org
Wed Feb 17 15:40:31 EST 2016

Call for Article Proposals


IoT Data Management and Analytics

Guest Editors: Bhuvan Unhelkar and San Murugesan
Abstract Submission Date: February 26, 2016
Articles Due: April 1, 2016


he Internet of Things (IoT) is rapidly emerging as a transformational
paradigm. Corporations are adopting a multitude of products and services now
available. And individuals also seek to harness its vast opportunities.

But the sheer variety, volume and velocity of data the IoT generates creates
a major obstacle to realizing its full potential. This calls for a strategic
approach to data management and usage that addresses business strategies,
business processes, enterprise architecture, systems and applications, and
security and privacy considerations. To glean maximum value from the data,
we must decide how to capture, store, extract and use it in ways that can
result in new and improved products and services, better decision-making,
and enhanced policy development.

An upcoming issue of Cutter IT Journal with Guest Editors Bhuvan Unhelkar
and San Murugesan seeks insight on strategies for leveraging the potential
of the IoT including data management and analytics. We welcome articles from
practitioners as well as academics involved in application-oriented or
industry-based research, and/or those who can share practical experience,
present empirical evidence, or offer recommendations on successfully
harnessing the potential of the IoT and the data it generates.

*	What are the key challenges in realizing the full potential of the
IoT and the data it generates, and how can we address these challenges?
*	What are some effective strategies for managing IoT data? Are they
different from managing traditional enterprise (big) data, and if so, how?
*	How can big data technologies such as the Hadoop Eco system and
NoSQL be effectively used in managing IoT data? How can Enterprise
Architecture (EA) help in strategizing the IoT?
*	How can we derive value from the variety of data the IoT can
potentially generate?
*	What types of data analytics are appropriate, and under which
*	Do IoT analytics differ from other analytic applications, and if so,
*	What are the platforms or computational techniques that are suited
better for IoT analytics?
*	What are some appealing IoT use cases?
*	How can various types of IoT data analytics be used in effective
decision making, say by business executives, buyers/clients, or individuals
for personal enhancements?
*	What approaches are available for operational analytics of IoT data?
*	How can we better integrate IoT data with enterprise information
systems and organizational operational data?
*	How does the role of the CIO, CTO or data scientist get redefined in
the context of an IoT-enabled, ubiquitously connected environment?
*	How can we successfully transition from current business processes
to IoT-based (driven) business processes?
*	How can IoT data be used for creating 'augmented reality' or
'assisted living'?


Please respond to Bhuvan Unhelkar at bhuvan[dot]unhelkar[at]gmail.com and
San Murugesan at san1[at]internode[dot]com, with a copy to
cgenerali[at]cutter[dot]com no later than February 26, 2016 and include an
extended abstract and a short article outline showing major discussion


Accepted articles are due by April 1, 2016.


Please also see Editorial Guidelines
<https://www.cutter.com/call-papers#Editorial%20Guidelines> .


The publisher is pleased to offer Journal authors an online, one year
complimentary subscription to Cutter IT Journal upon the signing of the
license agreement. In addition, we occasionally pull excerpts, along with
the author's bio, to include in our weekly Cutter Edge email newsletter,
which reaches another 12,000 readers. We'd also be pleased to quote you, or
passages from your article, in Cutter press releases. If you plan to be
speaking at industry conferences, we can arrange to make copies of the issue
in which you're published available for attendees of those speaking
engagements -- furthering your own promotional efforts.


Professor San Murugesan 

Director, BRITE Professional Services

Editor-in-Chief, IEEE IT Professional

Editor, IEEE Computer and Cloud Cover column

Adjunct Professor, Western Sydney University

Sydney, Australia


Website:  <http://tinyurl.com/sanbio> http://tinyurl.com/sanbio

Email:  <mailto:san1 at internode.net> san1 at internode.net



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