[AISWorld] CfP: WS 'Standardisation of Cyber-Physical Systems'

Kai Jakobs kai.jakobs at comsys.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Feb 19 07:52:36 EST 2016

***With apologies for cross-posting***

Call for Papers

Workshop 'Standardisation of Cyber-Physical Systems'

in conjunction with INFORMATIK 2016

30 September 2016

The ongoing mergers of formerly separate technical sectors may eventually change the whole standardisation landscape. Examples of such mergers include e.g. Intelligent Transport Systems (ICT, transport telematics, traffic engineering), electric vehicles (ICT, automotive, power supply), e-health (ICT, medicine) and, perhaps ultimately, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS; ICT and pretty much everything else). 

For CPSs, hard requirements on e.g. reliability and response times imply that often technologies will need to be co-developed (as opposed to be integrated ex-post). Such co-development will require very close co-operation between the different technical disciplines. This represents a considerable problem also for standards setting. Standards Setting Organisations (SSOs) with very different cultures and from equally different backgrounds with very diverse technology life cycles will need to co-operate. On top of that, CPSs in general and specifically applications like e-health need to address issues of information security and safety and of trust up-front. 

The WS aims to discuss how standardisation of (e)merging technologies should be managed from a European perspective. This includes trying to find answers to questions like (among others)

-   How can cross-disciplinary standardisation be achieved?
-   Is there a need for closer collaboration between the European Standards Organisations (ESOs) and private standards consortia? If so, how could this be organised?
-   Could there be benefits in actively encouraging and founding (EU-led) consortia specifically targeting CPSs? 
-   How could co-operation between ESOs and their international counterparts (ISO, IEC, ITU) be improved? 
-   Is increased co-operation with emerging powerful players from China desirable in the field of CPSs? 
-   How can conditions that improve the link between R&D and standardisation in the field of CPSs be established? 
-   How can all relevant stakeholder groups be adequately involved in the process?
-   Which role could and should the European Commission play in this process?

Please send previously unpublished manuscripts to 
Kai.Jakobs at comsys.rwth-aachen.de. 

Full papers (up to 14 pages) and Short Papers (up to 6 pages); both in English or German, should be formatted according to the guidelines for Springer's 'Lecture Notes in Informatics' (LNI), see (in German)

Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings as part oft he LNI book series. To this end, at least one author needs to be registered by 28 June.

Important dates
Submission deadline 	       2 May 2016
Notification of acceptance	30 May 2016
Final version	             27 June 2016

Programme Committee
Kai Jakobs (Chair), RWTH Aachen U., DE 
Simao Campos Neto, ITU-T, CH
Martin Euchner  ITU-T, CH             
Geerten van de Kaa, TU Delft, NL
Timothy Schoechle, Smarthome Laboratories, US
Mostafa Hashem Sherif, AT&T, US
Tim Weitzel, U. Bamberg, DE

Kai Jakobs <Kai.Jakobs at comsys.rwth-aachen.de>.


Kai Jakobs

RWTH Aachen University
Computer Science Department
Informatik 4 (Communication and Distributed Systems)
Ahornstr. 55, D-52074 Aachen, Germany
Tel.: +49-241-80-21405
Fax:  +49-241-80-22222
Kai.Jakobs at comsys.rwth-aachen.de 

EURAS - The European Academy for Standardisation. 

The International Journal of Standardization Research. 

The 'Advances in Information Technology Standards and Standardization Research' book series.

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