[AISWorld] CFP for the track ICT for Healthcare - MCIS 2016

Roberta Bernardi roberta.bernardi at gmail.com
Tue Mar 29 17:43:22 EDT 2016

Deadline: May 22, 2016

We are pleased to announce the CFP for the track on ICT for Healthcare at the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS) 2016 (4-6 September 2016, Paphos, Cyprus).

The increasing pressure on health systems to cater for the compelling health care needs of an aging population has turned the attention to health care Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as viable means to increase efficiency and patient-centred care. Electronic Patients Records (EPRs) for an improved and integrated management of patients’ data (Davidson and Chismar 2007; Greenhalgh et al. 2008; Oborn et al. 2011; Petrakaki et al. 2014) and telehealth for closer-to-home care are just two examples of the possibilities that ICT can offer in health service innovation (Cho and Mathiassen 2007; Nicolini 2006; Sanders et al. 2012; Steventon et al. 2012). More recent opportunities in this area can be obtained from big data, health apps and social media. Patients have increasingly used social media to relate with each other and healthcare practitioners (Kallinikos and Tempini 2014; Tempini 2015), whilst health apps open up opportunities for patients to monitor and manage their health in a minuted manner (Lupton and Jutel 2014). Social media platforms and sites have become a source of intelligence that can be used to research patients’ behavior and new medical treatments and interventions (Greaves et al. 2013; Lupton 2014).

In spite of the progress that ICT has made in the medical field, there is still uncertainty about its impact. For example, evidence about how different applications of ICT in healthcare may improve patients’ self-management reducing costs of medical interventions is still uncertain (Merolli et al. 2013). Researchers are also cautious about the reliability of big data as a source of evidence that can guide healthcare interventions (Agarwal and Dhar 2014).

The objective of this track is to host theoretical and empirical submissions that can be a source of debate of the role of ICT in driving change in healthcare. The track aims to attract full research papers and research in progress papers that can demonstrate the ways ICT can make a difference in healthcare. Possible papers of this track may address, without being limited to, the following questions:

1.    How do ICT-enabled changes in healthcare professional behaviour impact on healthcare delivery?

2.    How can ICT produce a shift from secondary to primary/community care?

3.    How can ICT overcome challenges in healthcare integration?

4.    What are the challenges to demonstrate the impact of ICT on cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions?

5.    How do contextual differences across countries and/or societies influence ICT impact on healthcare delivery?

6.    How can ICT enable patient-centered healthcare delivery?

7.    How can digital data streams, big data and other analytical capabilities be used to advance medical research and health service innovation?

8.    How can social media and mobile health improve patients’ health behaviour and disease self-management? 

9.    How can cloud computing and mobile health change traditional models of healthcare delivery?

 The complete call for paper may also be found at http://mcis2016.eu/call-for-papers/ <http://mcis2016.eu/call-for-papers/>
 Details regarding MCIS 2016 can be found at http://mcis2016.eu <http://mcis2016.eu/>

 The Track Chairs

 Roberta Bernardi, Royal Holloway University (UK)

Dimitra Petrakaki, University of Sussex (UK)

Panos Constantinides, Warwick Business School (UK)



Agarwal, R., and Dhar, V. 2014. "Editorial—Big Data, Data Science, and Analytics: The Opportunity and Challenge for IS Research," Information Systems Research (25:3) 2014/09/01, pp 443-448.
Cho, S., and Mathiassen, L. 2007. "The role of industry infrastructure in telehealth innovations: a multi-level analysis of a telestroke program," European Journal of Information Systems (16:6), pp 738-750.
Davidson, E. J., and Chismar, W. G. 2007. "The interaction of institutionally triggered and technology-triggered social structure change: An investigation of computerised physician order entry," MIS Quarterly (31:4), pp 739-758.
Greaves, F., Ramirez-Cano, D., Millett, C., Darzi, A., and Donaldson, L. 2013. "Harnessing the cloud of patient experience: using social media to detect poor quality healthcare," BMJ Quality & Safety (22:3), pp 251-255.
Greenhalgh, T., Stramer, K., Bratan, T., Byrne, E., Mohammad, Y., and Russell, J. 2008. "Introduction of shared electronic records: multi-site case study using diffusion of innovation theory," BMJ (337).
Kallinikos, J., and Tempini, N. 2014. "Patient data as medical facts: Social media practices as a foundation for medical knowledge creation," Information Systems Research (25:4), pp 817-833.
Lupton, D. 2014. "The commodification of patient opinion: the digital patient experience economy in the age of big data," Sociology of Health & Illness (36:6), pp 856-869.
Lupton, D., and Jutel, A. 2014. "'It's like having a physician in your pocket!' A critical analysis of self-diagnosis smartphone apps.," Social Science & Medicine (33), pp 128-135.
Merolli, M., Gray, K., and Martin-Sanchez, F. 2013. "Health outcomes and related effects of using social media in chronic disease management: A literature review and analysis of affordances," Journal of Biomedical Informatics (46:6), pp 957-969.
Nicolini, D. 2006. "The work to make telemedicine work: A social and articulative view," Social Science and Medicine (62:11), pp 2754–2767.
Oborn, E., Barrett, M., and Davidson, E. J. 2011. "Unity in Diversity: Electronic Patient Record Use in Multidisciplinary Practice," Information Systems Research (22:3), pp 547-564.
Petrakaki, D., Klecun, E., and Cornford, T. 2014. "Changes in healthcare professional work afforded by technology: The introduction of a national electronic patient record in an English hospital," Organization (first published on August 18, 2014), pp 1-21.
Sanders, C., Rogers, A., Bowen, R., Bower, P., Hirani, S., Cartwright, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Knapp, M., Barlow, J., Hendy, J., Chrysanthaki, T., Bardsley, M., and Newman, S. P. 2012. "Exploring barriers to participation and adoption of telehealth and telecare within the Whole System Demonstrator trial: a qualitative study," BMC Health Services Research  (12:220).
Steventon, A., Bardsley, M., Billings, J., Dixon, J., Doll, H., and Hirani, S. 2012. "Effect of telehealth on use of secondary care and mortality: findings from the Whole System Demonstrator cluster randomised trial," British Medical Journal (344:e3874), pp 1-15.
Tempini, N. 2015. "Governing PatientsLikeMe: information production and research through an open, distributed and data-based social media network," The Information Society (31:2), pp 193-211.

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