[AISWorld] CfP - auICTH in London, September 2016

Gewald, Heiko Professor Dr. Heiko.Gewald at hs-neu-ulm.de
Mon Apr 25 09:41:37 EDT 2016

Dear colleagues,

it our pleasure to invite you to join the second workshop on "Adults Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare (auICTH)"
as part of the ICTH conference in September 2016 in London, UK.

Please note that the submission deadline has been extended:

Manuscript Submissions Due: June 24th, 2016 (extended)
Author Notification. July 5th, 2016 (extended)
Camera-ready Revisions Due: July 20th, 2016 (firm)

Please see our CfP: http://www.hs-neu-ulm.de/cross/auICTH
Information about ICTH: http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/icth-16/

We are looking forward to your submission!

Kind regards
Heiko, Philipp & Karoly

Prof. Dr. Heiko Gewald
- Research Professor of Information Management
- Director at the Center for Research on Service Sciences (CROSS)

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences, Wileystr. 1, 89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany
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