[AISWorld] Workshop Only registration update - Pre-ICIS Workshop on Healthcare IT

Leroy, Gondy - (gondyleroy) gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu
Fri Sep 9 21:25:37 EDT 2016

REMINDER: Deadline for workshop submissions: Sunday, September 18.​ That is 1,5 weeks to go!

Submit your work or your work in progress and improve your chances of subsequent journal publication of the work.

*** Call For Papers ***

AIS SIG-Health Sponsored Workshop
December 11, 2016 – Dublin Ireland

Design, Innovation, and Impact of Healthcare IT

The SIG Health Workshop is a pre-conference activity of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) hosted by the Special Interest Group Health IT (SIGHEALTH). It provides a forum for those working on information technology in the context of healthcare. We welcome both research-in-progress and completed work on a broad range of topics and methodologies. Authors do not have to be SIG-Health members to participate.

The papers will not be included in conference proceedings and so authors retain all copyrights to their work. However, accepted papers will be listed with author names, affiliations and title on the AIS SIG-Health website. Authors will have the option to include their final extended abstract on the website as well.

The workshop is restricted to 35 participants and will include presentations and roundtable discussions. All submitted work will be reviewed by the co-chairs and other workshop authors. All accepted papers will then be presented and discussed during roundtable discussions to provide authors with help, feedback, suggestions, and to facilitate future collaborations. We will have 3-5 authors per table to facilitate discussion.  The two papers with highest review scores will be presented to all workshop attendees.  The interactive format of the workshop is geared towards providing a high degree of feedback to authors with promising early-stage work, but is certainly open to developed and completed research as well.

Workshop Registration Fees (to be paid via ICIS registration site):
AIS Member Type         Early Bird          Regular         Onsite
Academic Member         100                 110             110
Professional Member     110                 120             120
Student Member              80                  85              85
Non-Member                  130                 140             140

​Promising submissions will be invited for potential publications in a special issue in one of two journals: Health Policy and Technology<http://www.healthpolicyandtechnology.org/> or Health Systems​<http://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/journal/41306>.
• Health Policy and Technology (HPT) is a cross-disciplinary journal which focuses on past, present and future health policy and the role of technology in clinical and non-clinical health environments. As a peer-reviewed journal, it aims to foster closer links with policy-makers, health professionals, health technology providers, patient groups and academia. Health Policy and Technology has been accepted by Thomson Reuters for indexing and inclusion in the Social Science Citation Index.
• Health Systems is an interdisciplinary journal promoting the idea that all aspects of health and healthcare delivery can be viewed from a systems perspective. The principal aim of the journal is to bring together critical disciplines that have proved themselves already in health, and to leverage these contributions by providing a forum that brings together diverse viewpoints and research approaches. Health Systems has been accepted into the Thomson Reuters “Emerging Sources Citation Index” and is assessed for the SCI or SSCI (which is in process). PubMed, Medline, and ABI Inform indexing will shortly follow.

The authors should indicate during submission if they wish to be considered for the special issue and select a journal. We will work with the journal editors to identify promising submissions. The authors of selected submissions will be invited to complete their research and write a full length manuscript for submission to the journals. Each manuscript can be submitted to one journal only. Authors retain the right to reject the invitation (not participate in special issue). Acceptance of the invitation to a special issue is no guarantee for publication. Both journals will consider a variety of topics but the following topics have been suggested as being a particularly good fit:

Health Policy and Technology:
-Comparative Country Studies on health IT
-Mobile Health Data Security
-Regulation of Health Devices and Applications
-Health IT in Developing Countries
-Electronic Health
-Managing Large-scale Health IT Projects

Health Systems:
-Interdisciplinary work is of special interest
-Design Science,  Decision Support Systems, Mobile Health, Telemedicine
-Data Mining/ Data Analytics in Healthcare
-Workflow and Task Analysis,  Human Computer Interaction in Health Systems
-Health System Quality and Evaluation
-Health Disparities
-Consumer Health Informatics, Nursing Informatics, Public Health Informatics, Clinical Informatics

Submission Instructions:
We will request extended abstracts for presentation at the workshop. Papers must be in English, and need to contain original research. Only one paper per first author will be accepted.
To submit a paper:
-Submit your work at http://www.aissighealth.com/wordpress/sighealth-workshop-at-icis-2016/
-You will be asked for author names and affiliation and whether you want to be consider for the journal special issues.
-Create a single pdf file containing an extended abstract that is no longer than five pages (blinded, 11-pt font, one-inch margins on four sides, double-spaced).
By submitting, the author team agrees to perform (at most) two reviews of other abstracts submitted to the workshop.

Important dates:
-Deadline for workshop submissions: Sunday, September 18.
-Deadline for reviews: Sunday October 2, 2016
-Notification of Acceptance: October 7, 2016  (target date)
-Workshop: December 11, 2016 (details on start and end time will be provided later as room assignments are done)
Note: Papers invited to journal fast track will be required to write a full paper. The submission date will be after the workshop (TBD). This version will need to complete the work to a sufficient standard for the journals and take all reviewer comments into account. A review cycle will follow this submission.

Workshop Chairs:
Matt Wimble, PhD
2016 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan – Dearborn (USA)
wimble at umich.edu<mailto:wimble at umich.edu>

Gondy Leroy, PhD
2016 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Associate Professor, University of Arizona (USA)
gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu<mailto:gondyleroy at email.arizona.edu>

Wendy Currie, PhD
2016 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Professor, Audencia Business School (France)
wcurrie at audencia.com<mailto:wcurrie at audencia.com>

Workshop Advisory Board:
TBD.  If you are interested in being on the advisory board, please contact the workshop chairs.

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