[AISWorld] CfP for the IJDLDC: Special Issue on “Computing Competences and Digital Competences: similarities, differences and influences”

cartan cartan at unicas.it
Thu Nov 3 04:52:07 EDT 2016

International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence 
(DOI: 10.4018/IJDLDC, ISSN: 1947-3494, EISSN: 1947-3508)

Special Issue on
“Computing Competences and Digital Competences: similarities, 
differences and influences”

Guest Editor:
• Antonio Cartelli, University of Cassino and Southern Latium

*** Deadline: December 20, 2016 ***



As it is well known, in the ‘80s computer science has played a relevant 
role in the development of new knowledge construction strategies, 
problem solving and the spreading of digital equipments. During the same 
period by many computer scientists the question of the relevance of 
computing instruments and processes in the creation of new knowledge 
strategies was posed, and the introduction of computing topics (i.e. 
algorithms, programming, data management etc.) in the school curricula 
was proposed. How much this proposal has been successful is difficult to 
say for the lack of a systematic evaluation of its application and, 
what’s more, for the lack of the measure of its effects on the students 
who took part in that experiment.

On another hand in the ‘90s the importance of the Internet grew up 
exponentially and at the end of that decade the question of the 
relevance of the ICT and especially of the digitization of information 
and of its management was posed. In a few years, due to a relevant 
amount of research work made all over the world, and especially in 
Europe, it became evident that the development of digital skills and 
competences was based on different problems and questions with respect 
to those pertaining to the computer science area.

In the meanwhile many psychologists and psycho-pedagogists, while 
following the ideas proposed by M. McLuhan and especially his well known 
sentence “the medium is the message”, have analyzed  the interaction of 
mankind with digital equipments and have deduced that it was responsible 
for deep changes in human mental development and organization.

We welcome contributions offering original perspectives or describing 
case studies useful to answer at least one of the following questions:

- Are there complete and exhaustive frameworks for computing competences 
and digital competences?

- What differences can be detected between both kinds of competences, 
and how much the frameworks underpinning each set of competences differ 
from one another?

- Is there any influence of the first type of competences on the latter 
ones, or vice versa?

- Are there instruments which can help in the analysis of the influences 
between both kinds of competences?

- How and how much the above differences are perceived by people working 
on the production of applications and people who have to use those 

- How and how much the same differences are influencing school curricula 
both in the direction of the creation of professional computing skills 
and in the development of lifelong learning strategies and procedures.

The above questions don’t exhaust the possible questions to answer to 
and contributions aiming at completing the complex panorama of the 
problem are welcome.

Submission procedure and Authors' guidelines
Only original and previously unpublished articles will be considered.

http://www.igi-global.com/journals/guidelines-for-submission.aspx PRIOR 

All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of the 
Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer review.
Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be based on 
the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions must be 
forwarded electronically.

All manuscript submissions to IJDLDC should be sent through the online 
submission system:

Or directly sent their proposals to the guest editor.

For scientific advices and for any query please contact the 

• cartan [at] unicas.it

marking the subject as:
"IJDLDC, special issue on: ‘Computing Competences and Digital 
Competences: similarities, differences and influences’ "

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