[AISWorld] Faculty Position (Assistant/Associate): University of Minnesota, Information and Decision Sciences, Carlson School of Management

Jan DeGross degro003 at umn.edu
Thu Nov 3 15:43:00 EDT 2016

The Department of Information Systems & Decision Sciences in the Carlson 
School of Management at the University of Minnesota is seeking 
candidates for one full-time, tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor 
faculty position starting Fall 2017. Applicants must have a strong 
research program and an earned doctorate in information systems or a 
related field with IS competence or assurance of receiving the doctorate 
before August 31, 2017. Responsibilities include carrying out the 
teaching, research, and service mission of the department.

Applications must be received online at http://employment.umn.edu 
(requisition number 313999).  The requisition provides complete details 
of the position.  In addition, submit a cover letter to MISpost at umn.edu 
and include the following attachments: curriculum vitae; list of courses 
taught and course evaluations; statement of research and teaching 
interests; short dissertation summary; document listing reference names 
and e-mail addresses; a maximum of three published or working papers. 
Three letters of recommendation are required.

For more information, download a pdf copy of the position description:


Application deadline:  To ensure full consideration, applications must 
be received by November 14, 2016, but applications will continue to be 
accepted until the positions are filled.  We intend to undertake our 
initial screening interviews on a rolling basis via the Carlson School's 
high-fidelity video conferencing facility.  We reserve the right to 
interview candidates at ICIS in Dublin, Ireland, in December.

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

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