[AISWorld] PLS'17: Abstract submission deadline extension

Jose L. Roldan jlroldan at us.es
Wed Dec 14 06:31:03 EST 2016

Dear researchers,

The preparation work of PLS’17 is carried out smoothly now. We have submissions from Australia, France, Germany, HK, Italy, Macau, Mainland China, Malaysia, Morocco, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan, UK, USA, etc. Besides, we confirmed a couple of sessions during the conference. Since last week, we have gotten dozens of requests on submission deadline extension. Many authors would like to join PLS’17 but they ask if they could submit their satisfactory work after December. 
Therefore, we decide to change the current abstract submission December 17, 2016 to February 17, 2017. The full paper submission deadline is April 17, the same as before.
Current PLS’17 sessions:
·         The application of Partial Least Squares (PLS) in Developing Country Research – by Prof. T. Ramayah
·         PLS en Español – by Prof. Gabriel Cepeda Carrión and José Roldán
·         PLS and Marketing Science – by Prof. Christian M. Ringle
·         PLS applications on tourism and environmental studies – by Prof. Ivan Lai
·         PLS research and Management Science – by Prof. Wang Huiwen
·         The application of Partial Least Squares (PLS) in Developing Country Research – by Prof. T. Ramayah
·         Understanding Big Data – by Prof. Harald Martens
·         ADANCO session – Prof. Jörg Henseler
·         SmartPLS session – by Prof. Christian M. Ringle
·         Predictive issues in PLS path modeling and related methods – by Dr. Giorgio Russolillo and Prof. Gilbert Saporta
·         WarpPLS session – by Dr. Ned Kock and Dr. S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh
·         Factor-based SEM building on consistent PLS – by Dr. Ned Kock
·         PLS and Prediction – by Prof. Soumya Ray and Prof. Galit Shmueli
Submissions should focus on PLS SEM and related methods with application in areas and disciplines related to Management, Social Sciences, Chemometrics, Sensory Analysis, Industry, Traditional medicine, PLS & tourism and Life Sciences including Genomics.
More information will be found on www.pls17.org or www.plsconference.com. We are looking forward to seeing you in Macau next year.
Yide Liu, Ph.D.
PLS'17 Local Chair
Associate Professor
School of Business
Macau University of Science and Technology
Direct Line: (+853) 88972862
Email: ydliu at must.edu.mo
Office: A406b

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