[AISWorld] survey: roadblocks to participation in the AIS [ALTERNATIVE SURVEY LINK]

Windeler, Jaime (windeljb) windeljb at ucmail.uc.edu
Wed Aug 23 13:35:59 EDT 2017

(This is an update to the previous message with an alternative survey link for those who may have trouble accessing the longer url.)

Have you felt included or excluded in the many activities that occur within the Association for Information Systems (AIS)? Whether you have felt included, excluded, or haven't thought about it, we would like you to complete this 15-minute survey to share your experiences and thoughts.

This survey is administered by the AIS Special Interest Group on Social Inclusion and supported by the AIS Leadership Council. The goal is to learn about members' perceptions of inclusion and exclusion. The results will be used to enhance members' experience in the AIS and improve social inclusion practices.

You are not required to share your personally-identifiable information and all questions are voluntary. The survey will be available until September 1, 2017.


On behalf of the AIS SIG on Social Inclusion, we thank you for your time.

Jaime Windeler, Social Inclusion Task Force Chair
Kathy Chudoba
Emma Coleman
Grace Kenny
Olivera Marjanovic
Stacie Petter


 To learn more about this survey and other SIGSI efforts drop in on upcoming events at ICIS or connect with us on Facebook and Linkedin. 

-- ICIS: Wednesday, December 13 @ 1:00-6:00pm

   Post-ICIS Workshop on Social Inclusion and Innovation in a Digital World

-- ICIS: Time TBD

   Panel: Social Inclusion in the AIS Community: What, Why and How?

SIG-Social Inclusion promotes research, pedagogy, and outreach on all aspects of social inclusion in the field of Information Systems (IS). The group is open to those interested in stimulating greater diversity of thought, equity, and participation in the information society.


Jaime Windeler, PhD

Assistant Professor of Information Systems

Carl H. Lindner College of Business

University of Cincinnati

335 Lindner Hall

Cincinnati, OH 45221

Tel: 513-556-7120

Fax: 513-556-5499

E-mail: Jaime.Windeler at uc.edu<mailto:Jaime.Windeler at uc.edu>

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