[AISWorld] REMINDER: Call for Tracks for the 15th IFIP9.4 Conference, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2019

Petter Nielsen pnielsen at ifi.uio.no
Wed Nov 15 14:02:48 EST 2017


We are excited to announce the Call for Track proposal for the 15th International Conference on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries (IFIP9.4) in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - May 1st -3rd 2019


:: Deadline for proposing Tracks: 30th November 2017::

Conference theme: Strengthening Southern-driven cooperation as a catalyst for ICT4D

The Working Group 9.4 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) gathers scholars and practitioners that deal with the issue on how Information and communication technology (ICT) affects social development. The last three decades and in particular in the 21st century, ICT has been viewed as playing a leading role in stimulating development by providing access and enabling communication in our society. This has spurred the attention of scholars from information systems and a variety of other areas such as development studies, political science, political economy, social anthropology, and sociology.

With the proliferation of ICT related projects to support development, the southern countries are now emerging as important innovators and actors in the global adoption of ICT for the community development. A good example is seen through MPESA, a mobile phone-based money transfer, financing and micro financing service. The phenomenon has transformed lives within the local community and has penetrated in regional and global arena. Strengthening a southern-driven cooperation promotes ICT projects for, in and by developing countries. The conference theme of "Strengthening Southern-driven cooperation as a catalyst for ICT4D" seeks to encourage critical discussions on the different facets of Southern-driven cooperation, its promises and potential for creating a better world, and the challenges we face in achieving the promised potential.

We welcome contributions from a wide range of perspectives and disciplines including (but not limited to) public administration, entrepreneurship, business administration, information technology for development, information management systems, organization studies, philosophy, and management. We encourage track proposals that directly address the theme of the conference.

We welcome track proposals that support the theme of the conference. The proposals must include:
1. Track title
2. Name(s), email address, affiliation of track chair(s) 
3. A brief motivation of the track 
4. A brief overview of the research area 
5. A short description of how the track aligns with the conference theme 
6. Exemplar topics and types of contributions looked-for 
7. A list of Associate Editors who can ensure that reviewers will be sought and to be responsible for the track's effective and efficient operations.

Please submit your track proposals to Programme co-chairs: Honest Kimaro (honest_c at yahoo.com) and Petter Nielsen (pnielsen at ifi.uio.no) no later than 30th November 2017.

The co-chairs will review the track proposals and acceptances will be made according to the fit with the conference and the merit of the proposed track. A notification of acceptance will be communicated by January 2018. Upon acceptance of the track proposal, it will be assumed that the Track Chairs will actively promote the tracks and organize the peer-reviewing of the submissions.

We are looking forward to seeing your IFIP WG9.4 2019 track proposals!

Programme co-chairs
Honest Kimaro, University of Dar es Salaam 
Petter Nielsen, University of Oslo
Conference co-chairs
Nerey H. Mvungi, University of Dar es Salaam 
Sundeep Sahay, University of Oslo

Other important dates
Call for papers: 12th February 2018
Paper submission deadline: 5th November 2018 
Paper acceptance notification: 31st January 2019 
Paper resubmission: 4th March 2019 
Conference dates: May 01-03, 2019

Conference updates: 

Associate Professor
Information Systems  Group
University of  Oslo
Department of Informatics
Ole-Johan Dahls Hus
Gaustadalleèn 23B
N-0373 Norway

+47 41506058
pnielsen at ifi.uio.no

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