[AISWorld] Special Issue on Coding with the Raspberry Pi, IJPOP 6(2)

Steven Goschnick sgoschnick at swin.edu.au
Wed Jan 3 05:15:19 EST 2018


The International Journal of People-Oriented Programming has published its latest Special Issue of papers related to the computing on the Raspberry Pi miniature computer:

Sun, C. & Goschnick S. (2017). Preface to Special Issue on Coding with the Raspberry Pi. International Journal People-Oriented Programming 6(2), July - December 2017.
Developing Critical Understanding of Computing with the Raspberry Pi
Amanda Banks Gatenby (University of Manchester, UK)
This paper describes a research project to explore learning activities with Raspberry Pis in four school contexts in the UK. The aim of the project was to compare different learning designs, which had the shared objective of developing computational competencies, to investigate how these designs might simultaneously develop critical understanding of both the practices of Computing and students’ own learning with respect to those practices. The study used a novel ‘before/after’ implementation of Q methodology in combination with participant observations and reflective interviews with twenty-eight pupils. Findings suggested that where pupils were already predisposed to future involvement in Computing practices, working with Raspberry Pis did develop critical understanding, in ways that were less dependent on learning design. For those who had a more naïve or indifferent view of Computing, the pedagogy was most influential in how student perspectives developed, a pedagogy of expressibility being the key to supporting greater criticality.

Local Area Network (LAN)-Based Digital Signage Solution Using Raspberry Pi
MengMeng Zhao (AltairX Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia)
This paper outlines a case study in which we employ a Raspberry Pi 3 miniature computer as a Digital Signage System, one that can be managed from either laptop, smartphone or desktop computers. We present it as a case study that high school students (and their teachers) can follow, as a collaborative project that delivers a cost effective and flexible, digital signage system for their school. While it does not require any coding on their part, it presents an excellent use of ICT, by configuring multiple interrelated hardware and open software, in a school community setting, that would fit in with many contemporary digital technology curriculums.

High School Introductory Programming on Raspberry Pi Made From Scratch
Andy Luse (Oklahoma State University, USA), Bryan Hammer (Oklahoma State University, USA)
This research investigates the use of Raspberry Pi and Scratch to introduce novice high school students to computer programming during a short interaction. Results show that, with only a four-hour engagement, students show a significant increase in programming self-efficacy. Furthermore, results show that this increase is the same for both males and females. This provides promising results for those who wish to effectively introduce programming to novices, even over a short engagement period.


Objects First with Java: A Practical Introduction Using BlueJ (5th Ed.), David Barnes & Michael Kölling, by
Steve Goschnick (School of Design, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia)

Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating Creativity through Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play, Mitchel Resnick (2017), by
Christine Yunn-Yu Sun (eBookDynasty, Melbourne, Australia)


Mission of IJPOP:
The primary mission of the International Journal of People-Oriented Programming (IJPOP) is to be instrumental in the improvement and development of the people-oriented programming, appealing to both academics and practitioners. It also educates a wider audience discussing the conceptualization, design, programming, configuration and orchestration of self-fashioned tools and products that ultimately suit the user's own unique needs and aspirations. The journal publishes original material of high quality concerned with the theory, concepts, techniques, methodologies and the tools that service a market-of-one - the empowered user.
Indices of IJPOP:
Bacon's Media Directory, Cable’s Directories, DBLP, Google Scholar, INSPEC, JournalTOCs, MediaFinder, ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Journals, ProQuest Computer Science Journals, ProQuest Illustrata: Technology, ProQuest SciTech Journals, ProQuest Technology Journals, The Index of Information Systems Journals, The Standard Periodical Directory, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Coverage of IJPOP:
Topics to be discussed in this journal include (but are not limited to) the following:
Interested authors should consult the journal's manuscript submission guidelines:

CFP 7(1): www.igi-global.com/calls-for-papers/international-journal-people-oriented-programming/41021

Consider a submission to IJPOP in your New Years resolutions.

All the best in 2018,
Steve Goschnick
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal People-Oriented Programming
Adjunct Professor,
School of Design
Swinburne University of Technology

sgoschnick at swin.edu.au

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