[AISWorld] CFP: AMCIS 2018 Minitrack - IT Entrepreneurship

Allen, Jonathan P. jpallen at usfca.edu
Fri Jan 12 13:00:34 EST 2018

2018 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
New Orleans, LA, August 16-18, 2018, http://amcis2018.aisnet.org/

IT Entrepreneurship Mini-Track CALL FOR PAPERS

IT Entrepreneurship is a broad set of topics that includes the creation 
of new digital products and services, and the companies that deliver 
them. IT entrepreneurial activities are highly sought after by regions, 
institutions, and governments throughout the world. New forms of 
IT-based entrepreneurship can be a force for opportunity and 
inclusiveness, offering the possibility of high wages and ‘green’ 
economic development, but might also exacerbate skill gaps and unequal 
access to information and other resources.

The IT Entrepreneurship mini-track welcomes submissions from a variety 
of research perspectives (e.g. positivist, interpretivist, or critical) 
and data gathering and analysis approaches (e.g. from experiments and 
surveys, to grounded theory and Delphi studies). We welcome research at 
all levels of analysis—industry, society, product, workgroup or 
individual. Presentations at the mini-track are intended to be 
developmental, in keeping with the historic culture and spirit of the 
sponsoring group, ACM SIGMIS (Special Interest Group on Management 
Information Systems).

This mini-track is part of a broader initiative by ACM SIGMIS to provide 
support, resources, community and infrastructure to researchers 
considering the broad area of IT entrepreneurship. The group will also 
support a track/workshop at the annual SIGMIS-CPR conference in June 
2018. The intention is for high-quality papers from this initiative to 
be packaged as a special issue of the DATA BASE journal.

Questions to be addressed include, but are not limited to:

•    How is IT entrepreneurship new? What differentiates digital 
entrepreneurship from entrepreneurship in general?
•    What can IT entrepreneurs learn from the accumulation of knowledge 
in existing entrepreneurship and information systems research?
•    Are there processes that aid individuals at the various stages of 
becoming an IT entrepreneur (e.g. decision to start a business, 
planning, start up, rounds of funding, moving toward success, decision 
to quit IT entrepreneurship)?
•    Are there processes for creating and promoting new IT products and 
processes that increase efficiency, effectiveness, and/or outcomes?
•    What processes for communities and entrepreneurs will encourage new 
product creation as a force for a more inclusive and productive society?
•    How can IT help entrepreneurial organizations become more effective?
•    What opportunities and challenges exist for IT entrepreneurs in 
particular industries such as health care, energy and the environment, 
supply chain and logistics, etc.?
•    How do new digital platforms and business models, such as 
e-commerce, social media and the “sharing economy”, create new 
opportunities or pitfalls for potential entrepreneurs?
•    What are the implications of the growth of IT entrepreneurship for 
IS education?

Submission guidelines and templates can be found here:

Track: Advances in Information Systems Research (General Track)

Important dates:

February 28, 2018: Deadline for AMCIS paper submissions
April 17, 2018: Notification of initial decision on submitted papers
April 25, 2018: Deadline for publication-ready revisions
April 27, 2018: Notification of decision on revised publication-ready papers

Mini-Track Co-chairs:

J.P. Allen, University of San Francisco, jpallen at usfca.edu
Gaetan Mourmont, IÉSEG, gmourmant at gmail.com

J.P. Allen, University of San Francisco
jpedia.org <http://www.jpedia.org/>
new book: technologyandinequality.com 

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