[AISWorld] Middleware 2018 Conference - Call for Industry Track Papers

Benjamin Camus benjamin.camus at inria.fr
Wed Jul 25 10:49:11 EDT 2018

[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call] 

ACM/IFIP/USE NIX Middleware 201 8 Conference - Call for Industry Track Papers 
Rennes, France; D ec 10 - 14, 2018 

Key Dates 
Paper submissions: August 18, 2018 
Reviews due & online discussion: September 24, 2018 
Author notification: September 30, 2018 
Camera-ready paper: October 27, 2018 

Call for Papers 
The Industrial Track of the Middleware 2018 Conference solicits 6-page papers for presentation during the main conference (single track) and inclusion in the ACM Digital Library. The topics of interest are similar to those in the general conference call for papers. However, the purpose of the Industrial Track is to emphasize the practical issues, observations, and measurements of “real-world” systems and applications and to disseminate information of particular interest to middleware researchers, architects, developers and administrators. 

Topics - the topics of the industry track include, but are not limited to: 

    * Experience reports and measurements relating to 
    * Deployments of Internet-scale environments, including grids, datacenters, and other large-scale systems 
    * Cloud computing middleware, for Infrastructure/Platform/Application as a Service Quality of service, quality of user experience 
    * Scalability issues (e.g., observed real-life workloads and applications) 
    * Reliability and availability issues (observed real-life faults, fault models, and recovery mechanisms) 
    * Security issues (e.g., real attacks on deployed platforms and their impacts) 
    * Middleware in big data and machine learning systems and applications 
    * Deployments of embedded systems, sensor networks and Internet of Things 
    * Deployments of blockchain-based middleware and applications 
    * Approaches, mechanisms and tools for 
    * Real-life deployment, e.g., hardware equipment management (installation, updates, replacement), management of data center buildings, network points of presence, “data center in-a- box” 
    * DevOps, continuous software development, integration, and delivery 
    * Operation and maintenance, e.g., install and upgrade, bug fixes, and backup 
    * Runtime management, e.g., monitoring, alerting, troubleshooting, and remediation 
    * Economic, energy-aware, and environmental analyses (e.g. cost and/or energy impacts of various data center deployment models) 
    * Security management, e.g., intrusion detection, and key management 

Submission Guidelines 
A submission must be a single PDF file conforming to the ACM SIGPLAN Conference Format and must not exceed 6 pages (including abstract, figures, tables, and appendices, but excluding references). Submissions must be in English. Submissions that do not adhere to these guidelines or that violate formatting will be declined without review. Reviewing is single-blind; papers must include author names and affiliations. Authors are required to add “(industry track)” at the end of their paper title. 
Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the Industrial Track Program Committee. Submissions will be evaluated on the basis of originality, importance of contribution, technical soundness, evaluation, quality of presentation and appropriate comparison to related work. The committee as a whole will make final decisions about which submissions to accept for presentation at the conference. 
Simultaneous submission of the same work to multiple venues, submission of previously published work, or plagiarism constitutes dishonesty or fraud. The conference organizers, like those of other scientific conferences and journals, prohibit these practices and may take actions against authors who have committed them. Papers accompanied by nondisclosure agreement forms will not be considered. If you are uncertain whether your submission meets the guidelines, please contact the program co-chairs. 
By submitting a paper, you agree that at least one of the authors will attend the conference and present the paper in person. 

General chair 
Guillaume Pierre, Univ. Rennes, France 

Program Chairs 
Lydia Y. Chen, IBM Research, Switzerland 
Erwan Le Merrer, Technicolor R&I, France 

Program Committee 
Robert Birke, ABB Corporate Research, Switzerland 
Daniele Bonetta, Oracle, USA 
Antoine Boutet, INSA-Lyon, France 
Ruichuan Chen, Bell Labs, Germany 
Paolo Costa, Microsoft Research, UK 
Thierry Coupaye, Orange Labs, France 
Ioana Giurgiu, IBM, Switzerland 
Vincent Gramoli, NICTA/Data61-CSIRO and University of Sydney, Australia 
Yuxiong He, Microsoft Research, USA 
Nicolas Le Scouarnec, Technicolor, France 
Padmanabhan Pillai, Intel Labs, USA 
Jan Rellermeyer, TU Delft, Nederlands 
Christopher Stewart, Ohio State University, USA 
Maja Vukovic, IBM, USA 
Chen Wang, VMWare, USA 
Xiaoyun Zhu, HyperPilot, USA 

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