[AISWorld] Reminder: Call for Papers - 2018 HITS- Health Information Technology Symposium (Formerly the SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop)

Matt Wimble wimble at umich.edu
Mon Sep 10 11:50:00 EDT 2018

 Call For Papers

2018 HITS- Health Information Technology Symposium (Formerly the SIG-Health
Pre-ICIS Workshop)

An AIS SIG-Health Sponsored Workshop

December 13, 2018, San Francisco, USA

Theme: A TOUCH OF GREY - Examining the potential of health IT to help aging
populations to do more than just get by.

Please note that we accept papers covering all aspects of health IT, not
just those addressing the workshop theme. Starting this year, with the name
change of the workshop to HITS we have attempted to model a theme off a
*hit* song by an artist from the city where the workshop is being held.

HITS (formerly the SIG-Health Pre-ICIS Workshop) is a pre-conference
activity of the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)
hosted by the Special Interest Group Health IT (SIGHEALTH). It provides a
forum for those working on information technology in the context of
healthcare. We welcome both research-in-progress and completed work on a
broad range of topics and methodologies. Authors do not have to be
SIG-Health members to participate.
The papers will not be included in conference proceedings and so authors
retain all copyrights to their work. However, accepted papers will be
listed with author names, affiliations and title on the AIS SIG-Health
website. Authors will have the option to include their final extended
abstract on the website as well.

The workshop is restricted to 40 participants and will include
presentations and roundtable discussions. All submitted work will be
reviewed by the co-chairs and other workshop authors. All accepted papers
will then be presented and discussed during roundtable discussions to
provide authors with help, feedback, suggestions, and to facilitate future
collaborations. We will have 3-5 authors per table to facilitate
discussion.  The two papers with highest review scores may be presented to
all workshop attendees.  The interactive format of the workshop is geared
towards providing a high degree of feedback to authors with promising
early-stage work, but is certainly open to developed and completed research
as well.

Workshop Registration Fees (Early bird, regular, onsite):
Academic Member $110, $120, and $120
Professional Member $110, $120, and $120
Student Member $80, $85, and $85

Submission Instructions:
We will request extended abstracts for presentation at the workshop. Papers
must be in English, and need to contain original research. Only one paper
per first author will be accepted.

To submit a paper:

-Submit your work at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=shicis2018

-Create a single pdf file containing an extended abstract that is no longer
than six pages (blinded, 11-pt font, one-inch margins on four sides,

Please note the extended abstract format of this workshop. Manuscripts
which fail to comply with the formatting requirements will likely be
rejected. Do not send full length papers. This workshop is designed to
given authors of papers at many stages of development timely feedback,
therefore authors need to adhere to the format guidelines to facilitate a
timely review process.

Also note: By submitting, the author team agrees to perform two reviews of
other abstracts submitted to the workshop. This is done to ensure each
manuscript gets two reviews.

Important dates:
-Deadline for workshop submissions: Friday, September 28 2018.
-Deadline for reviews: Friday October 12, 2018
-Notification of Acceptance: Monday October 15, 2018 (target date)
-Workshop: December 13, 2013 (details on start and end time will be
provided later as room assignments are done)

Workshop Chairs:

Matt Wimble, PhD
2017 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, University of Michigan, Dearborn (USA)
wimble at umich.edu

Renee Pratt, PhD
2017 SIG Health Workshop Co-Chair
Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA)
rpratt at isenberg.umass.edu

The call for papers can be found here:

Matt Wimble, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Michigan-Dearborn
wimble at umich.edu <wimble at umd.umich.edu>
313-593-5286 (w)


"We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master. " -
Ernest Hemingway

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