[AISWorld] ENJOY GRANADA and Andalusia, Spain - 33rd IBIMA Conference - 10-11 April 2019 in Granada, Spain

Dr. Khalid S. Soliman ksoliman at ibima.org
Tue Jan 22 09:01:27 EST 2019

Dear Colleagues,


---  Unique opportunity to enjoy the magnificent beauty and rich history of Granada and Andalusia, Spain   While presenting your paper in top indexed int’l conference ----



Call for papers:  The 33rd IBIMA Conference - 10-11 April 2019 in Granada, Spain


Submission Deadline: 18 February 2019      Website: http://www.ibima.org     (Website has all details)


IBIMA International conference proceedings are indexed by Web of Sciences Since 2006, SCOPUS Since 2005, Engineering Village, CORE, and Ranked "B" by the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Since 2010


NEW AND NICE DEVELOPMENT (1200+ university around the world has published with IBIMA over the past 16 years): https://ibima.org/university/ 




Khalid S. Soliman

33rd IBIMA Conference Chair

 <http://www.ksoliman.com> http://www.ksoliman.com


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