[AISWorld] [CFPs] 3rd International Joint workshop on Engineering the Web of Thing (EnWoT ) and Liquid Multi-Device Software (LMDS)

Francesco Nocera francesco.nocera at poliba.it
Tue Feb 19 09:01:18 EST 2019

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**Joint EnWoT and LMDS Workshop 2019**
_**3rd International Joint workshop on Engineering the Web of Thing (EnWoT)and Liquid Multi-Device Software (LMDS)**_

Held in conjunction with 189th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2019)

Submission deadline: 15 March, 2019
Notification of acceptance: 19 April, 2019
Camera-ready deadline: 10 May, 2019

The goal of this workshop is to bring the attention of researchers to the opportunities and challenges involved in engineering engineering the Internet of Things (IoT) from the perspective of Web, and on user experience from the perspective of multi-device software engineering. In the new era of computing, the
development is evolving from traditional client-server architectures to decentralized multi-device architectures in which people use various types of Web-enabled client devices, and data is stored simultaneously in numerous devices and cloudbased services. This new era will dramatically raise the expectations for device
interoperability, implying significant changes for software architecture as well.
The joint workshop aims at attracting contributions related to the subject at different levels, from modelling and design to engineering. Foundational contributions, as well as concrete application experiments are sought.
The workshop welcomes submissions describing unpublished research, as well as deployment experiences on various topics related to engineering web of things as outlined below.

Topics of interested include but are not limited to:
– Software architectural styles and patterns for connecting objects to the World Wide Web
– Engineering smart objects on the web
– Real-time communication with physical objects
– Web-based discovery, search, composition, and physical mashups
– Self-adaptive and self-management approaches
– Semantic web and Linked open data
– Web of Thing and Internet of Everything
– Challenges for Big Data and IoT applications
– Architectures and Framework for smart devices connection
– Liquid User Experience
– Internet of People
– Liquid Software
– Liquid Web of Things
– Security, access control, and sharing of physical things on the Web – Cloud platforms and services for the Web of Things
– Application of Web tools and techniques in the physical world (REST, HTML5, social networks)

Workshop papers are 12 pages long and peer-reviewed; post-workshop proceedings to appear in Springer's LNCS series.
Submission of papers should be submitted as a single PDF file in the EasyChair system [https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?welcome=1;conf=enwotlmds2019]
Submissions will be judged on novelty, relevance, clarity of presentation, and correctness. Authors of accepted submissions are required to present their work.

Workshop Chairs:
Niko Mäkitalo, University of Helsinki, Finland
Tommi Mikkonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Marina Mongiello, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy
Francesco Nocera, Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

Joint EnWoT and LMDS 2019 Workshop Chairs
Niko, Tommi, Marina and Francesco

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