[AISWorld] GRAILE Webinar: Establishing Higher Education EdTech Research Labs (18 May 2022)
Vitomir Kovanovic
Vitomir.Kovanovic at unisa.edu.au
Mon May 16 11:33:17 EDT 2022
The Global Research Alliance for AI in Learning and Education (GRAILE) is pleased to announce the following free online webinar:
Establishing Higher Education EdTech Research Labs
Wed, 18 May 2022, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ACST (6:30-7:30 AM CET), via Zoom
To register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/owning-our-future-establishing-higher-education-edtech-research-labs-tickets-321621788427
The digitization of higher education continues to accelerate. Globally, an unprecedented amount of products and services are now available by startups and established "big tech" to help universities make the transition to digital classrooms. Most universities have now established teaching and learning units to provide support for faculty and staff to move their courses online, or at minimum, augment them with digital features. As universities partner more with external providers, it's critical that they engage in active research programs to understand what's making an impact and what's not working. Several forward thinking universities have already established research labs that specifically assess the experience of students and teachers in these online settings. These centres often develop new software products, new pedagogical models, and learning design approaches to meet the needs of various stakeholders in the learning process. This panel will draw on the expertise of global edtech research leaders to discuss their experiences in establishing and supporting an edtech research centre. Topics include: motivations, resourcing, staff and faculty affiliations, results and impact, and future vision.
More info on speakers at http://www.graile.ai/events/
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